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时间:2018-09-04 10:54来源:毕业论文
On the other hand, deformations introduced by stiffness/compliance and the thermal loop are two important aspects in tool-workpiece loops. The stiffness loop in a machine tool is a sophisticated syste

 On the other hand, deformations introduced by stiffness/compliance and the thermal loop are two important aspects in tool-workpiece loops. The stiffness loop in a machine tool is a sophisticated system. The stiffness loop of the machine includes the cutting tool, the tool holder, the slideways and stages used to move the tool and/or the workpiece, the spindle holding the  workpiece or the tool, the chuck/collet, fixtures, and internal vibration, and other dynamic effects. The physical quantities in the stiffness loop are force and displacement. During machining, the cutting forces at the machining point will be transmitted to the machine tool via the stiffness loop and return to the original point thus closing the loop. Influences outside of the structural loop, which still influence the loop and cause errors, include floor vibration, temperature changes, and cutting fluids. 
 The thermal dynamic loop, which is similar to the stiffness loop, contains all the joints and structure elements that position the cutting tool and workpiece. The difference lies in that the physical quantity in the thermally dynamic loop is temperature and heat flux which are transmitted in the loop. 
Machine tool vibrations play an important role in determining structural deformations and dynamics performance. Furthermore, excessive vibrations accelerate tool wear and chipping, cause poor surfaces, and damage to the machine tool component. These types of vibrations have been discussed in Chapter 2.
10.2  操作原理

10.2.1  机床的构造
一个典型的精密机械包含五个重要的辅助系统,他们是机械的结构,心轴,和传动系统,模具和固定装置系统,控制和传感系统,测量和检测系统,这事基本的辅助系统,它直接有利于机床的正常工作,图10.1展示了机床的构造和机床工作的主要评估标准,由于不同的加工目标和不同的机械外形图10.1可能不是非常全面但是它为了解机床的构造和与机械自动化相关的绩效评估提供了一个相当简明扼要的总结。 精密机床机械英文文献和中文翻译(4):http://www.youerw.com/fanyi/lunwen_22278.html