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时间:2023-02-07 23:02来源:毕业论文
3。 Water conservation index and basis Present research into the utilization of water resources mainly considers residential buildings, while data for other kinds of buildings are comparatively few。

3。 Water conservation index and basis
   Present research into the utilization of water resources mainly considers residential buildings, while data for other kinds of buildings are comparatively few。 Since daily water consumption of the citizen is mainly from their private dwellings, the indicator of utilizing water resources thus focuses on the actual water-saving quantity as far as residential buildings are concerned。 Research that relates to other kinds of buildings focuses on the adoption rate of simply equipped water-saving equipment。 Table 1 shows the average and maximum daily household water consumption of each Taiwanese person, from which a standardized daily total water-consumption of250 l per person per day is estimated and set as the calculation base。
3。1。 Calculation
   The actual water-saving rate(WR) is calculated according to Formula (1)。 Formula (3) shows that a qualified value of WR should be <0:8。 A building with a qualified WR is eligible to apply for the “Green Building” incentive payment。 According to Formula(2),the adoption rate of water-saving equipment (AR) can be used to estimate the water-saving conditions in other kinds of buildings, and the guideline is shown in Formula (4)。 A qualified value of AR should be higher than 0。8。 Except the residential type of building, a building with a qualified AR is eligible to apply for the “Green Building” incentive payments。 The Formula of calculating the water resource index for the residential buildings (The Actual Water-saving Rate; WR) is as follows: WR=(Wd-(Ts (Wc - Ql )al +Tu(Wu –Q2 )a2+Tw(Wt –Q3 )a3 +Ba4 ))&pide;Wd –C  (1)
The formula of calculating water resources index for other kinds of buildings(the Adoption Rate of water-saving equipment; AR) is as follows:
AR=R+C  (2)
The standardized qualifying conditions are
WR=0。8; (3)
AR=0。8: (4)
For dentition of the symbols in Formulae(1)–(4),seethe nomenclature at the beginning, and Table 2 shows the constant (Wd; Ts ;Wc; Tu ;Wu ;Tw; Wt ) required by the estimate method of evaluation。
3。2。 Calculation basis and regulations
   The associated regulations for Formulae (1)–(4) are as follows:
(1) WR (actual Water-saving Rate) = 0。8 is calculated according to the supposition that the average daily water-consumption of each person is 200l, based on foreign references and experience。 Most developed countries control the average daily water-consumption at well under 200l。 Accordingly, the provisional water-consumption standard for Green Buildings in Taiwan is suggested as 200 l for each person per day。
(2) Factor T u =3。57 and T w =4。86 in Formula (1) are calculated by the weighted averages method: the human body must discharge feces once per day, urine thrice per day during weekdays, and five times per day on Saturdays and Sundays, yielding an average of3。57 times per person per day。 The average frequency of people’swashing hands with in a single day is four times per day during weekdays, and seven times per day on Saturdays and Sundays, yielding an average of 4。86 times per person per day。 Besides, due to the possibility that the water-saving equipment of the same brand will not be exactly used within one constructional project, utility rate a1~ a4 should be multiplied to reflect on truth。
(3) Water-consumption of Wd=13 L per flush of the toilet, is regarded as the base point consumption for calculating the water-conservation rate of the water-saving toilet in Formula (1), and corresponds to the most popular type of toilet in existing buildings。 In other words, a water-saving toilet reduces the water-consumption each flushing of feces to 9l, saving 4l。 Furthermore, the two-sectioned water-saving toilet reduces the water-consumption of flushing urine to 4。5l, saving over 8:5 l。 The actual water-consumption of the toilets should be determined according to various water-consumption quantities and brand specifications。 台湾绿色B建筑节水措施英文文献和中文翻译(3):http://www.youerw.com/fanyi/lunwen_134774.html