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《草叶集》中的主要意象及其反映的惠特曼的哲学思想 第3页

更新时间:2016-11-17:  来源:毕业论文
In this period,there are many famous literature figures such as Washington Irving,Ralph Waldo Emerson, Edgar Allan Poe and some others. Walt Whitman is one of them. Walt Whitman (May 31, 1819 – March 26, 1892) was an American poet, essayist, journalist and humanist. His work was very controversial in its time and had been described as a “rude shock” and “the most audacious and debatable” contribution yet ever made to American literature. He is among the most influential and controversial poets in the American canon.Walt Whitman is both a major poet and an outstanding personality in the history of the American literature. He rises from obscurity to monumental fame, coming to be recognized as a national figure. His achievement is great, although it has been sometimes obscured by unfair, hostile criticism or, conversely extravagant praise. In 1855, Whitman self-published the first edition of Leaves of Grass, which altered the course of literary history. Leaves of Grass is the masterpiece of Walt Whitman. He spent his entire life writing Leaves of Grass, revising it in several editions until his death. It has been praised as “Democratic Bible” and as American Epic. In this collection, we can learn about two major concerns of Whitman’s thought: to glorify his own self, his individuality or his belief in individualism, and to celebrate democracy and the American nation with its achievements and potentials. Whitman also tried to give poetic expression to his exploration of life’s enduring misteries such as death and rebirth.

For his age-American Romanticism, his belief in individualism is deeply influenced by the society.
It was an age of excess and extremes, of decline and progress, of poverty and dazzling wealth, of gloom and buoyant. Whitman wanted to show the true society that he had to face everyday, so he used the poetry to express his hope and anger. In this age , he was heavily influenced by Ralph Waldo Emerson, especially by his transcendentalism. It emphasized the important of individual inspiration and intuition, the Over-soul, and Nature. This thought was well expressed in the image of “I” and “Mystery”.

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《草叶集》中的主要意象及其反映的惠特曼的哲学思想 第3页下载如图片无法显示或论文不完整,请联系qq752018766
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