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薪酬管理外文文献翻译 第2页

更新时间:2010-8-25:  来源:毕业论文
薪酬管理外文文献翻译 第2页
1  Management salaries of the meaning and content
1.1 Salary Management meaning
Salary management of enterprise is a process that he business manager of the enterprise to pay staff remuneration standards, the level of payment, determining factor structure and distribution.
Traditional management pay only material reward is the nature of the distribution, and to be manager of the behavioral characteristics considered less its focus is material reward. Pay modern enterprise management concept of a completely different change, the focus of management salaries transferred to the people. Business must first establish objectives, achieve the goal of enterprises depends on staff motivation. Incentive divided into two external and internal. According to the traditional categories, wages, bonuses, benefits and other material compensation for external incentive elements; And the status of diversification, engaged in challenging work, achievement, recognition, responsibility, acquiring new skills and career development opportunities for employees is the internal incentive factor. The modern salary management the material reward management process and the staff drove process in close integration with, becomes an organic whole.本文来自优.文~论-文'网
1.2 Content of salary management
The enterprise salary management mainly includes following several aspects the content:
1. Definite salary management goal
Pay management objectives in light of the human resources strategy to determine, specifically, to include the following two aspects .(1) establishes the stable staff troop, attracts the high quality talented person;(2) to stimulate the enthusiasm of the staff, and to create a high performance; (3) efforts to achieve organizational goals and individual staff development goals coordination. 毕业论文http://www.youerw.com/
2. Choice salary policy
(1) Business pays wood input into policy. For example, under the enterprise development, expansionary labor costs or labor costs austerity policies. The so-called corporate pay policies, is the business manager of enterprise operations management pay the objectives, tasks and means and mix Enterprise is on staff salaries earth policy adopted by the strategy. (2) According to the enterprises of their own choice enterprises reasonable wage system. For example, the staff is to take stable income T policy motivate staff or the performance of the policy and the former wages and job grading system, The latter performance wage system integration. (3) Determining the wage structure and wage levels. For example, is to take a high-inclination of the wage structure, or whether equalization, or to a low-level structure in favor of the wage policy? Former must enlarge the senior staff proportion, raises its salary level; Latter must reduce the high salary personnel proportion, reduces its staff salary level.
So pay policy is the situation of the enterprise managers, making correct decisions, enterprises pay mechanism we will be able to fully play its role Operation will be smooth and efficient. Instead, decision-making errors, management will be affected. Enterprise management caused a series of problems.
3. Formulation salary plan
A good package enterprises pay policy is the concrete.
The so-called package, is the business is expected to be implemented by the payment of staff salaries, pay structure and pay management focus. Enterprise when formulation salary plan, must all-around consider that, simultaneously must grasp a series of principles. (1) and enterprise management objectives to the principle of coordination. Personnel management in the non-standardization phase, the pay is also a lack of management science. For example, some firms are not based on the development of the enterprises themselves to choose the wage system and pay standards, but in large measure imitate other enterprises. In fact, there is no one of any enterprise are applicable to the pay model. In this regard, some enterprises clear that enterprises should pay plans with the work plans. For example, the wage level of payment, many enterprises are no longer considered with the same wage rate for the industry competition, but mainly depends on three elements of the comprehensive consideration : First, the level of outstanding enterprises to retain personnel; Second, enterprise's ability to pay : Third, the level consistent with the development goals. (2) To enhance the competitiveness of enterprises in principle. Wage is corporate costs, lower wages to improve the competitiveness

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