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家族企业管理英文文献及翻译 第4页

更新时间:2010-8-3:  来源:毕业论文
家族企业管理英文文献及翻译 第4页
accomplishment of the firm's mission. Objectives should be clearly stated, realistic, measurable, time specific and challenging. Objectives can be created for
revenue growth,
earnings growth,
sales and market share growth,
new plants or stores, and
product/service quality or corporate image.
Strategies are determined by your answer to the earlier question: What will the firm be like in the future? Your strategic options include the following:
Stability -- success is derived from little change (rare).
Profit strategy -- sacrifice future growth for profits today.
Growth strategy -- growth may be achieved through vertical integration (expansion from within), horizontal integration (buy a competitor), diversification, merger or retrenchment (turnaround or divestment).
Action Steps本文来自优'文'论.文'网
Once the strategy is selected, action steps should be specified that will guide the firm's daily activities. An example of an action step is creating a budget to project the costs of a strategy. This process also is known as tactical planning. The steps in tactical planning should be practical and easy to implement and account for; their purpose is to convert goals into manageable, realistic steps that can be individually implemented.
Family Strategic Planning
The entire family should develop a mission statement or creed that defines why it is committed to the business. By sharing priorities, strengths and weaknesses, and the contribution each member can make to the business, the family will begin to create a unified vision of the firm. This vision willinclude personal goals and career objectives.
An important issue to consider is how to set priorities for the family and the business, i.e., decide which will come first, the family or the business. How you answer this question will influence your planning. Some family members will opt for the business first, reasoning that, without a business, there will be no financial security for the family. Others will opt for the family first, reasoning that no business is worth the loss of family harmony. A third alternative is to serve both family and business perhaps not equally, but as fairly as possible. Under this alternative, all decisions are made to satisfy both family and business objectives. For example, a family may have a policy that any family member may join the business, but he or she must meet the requirements of the job. You may find this is the best alternative because it forces a commitment to both the family and the business.
The Family Retreat毕业论文http://www.youerw.com
Trying to plan a business strategy during normal office hours is almost impossible. Plan a family business retreat to discuss the goals of the individual family members and the goals of the business.
The first retreat should focus on reviewing the firm's history, defining family and business values and missions, creating a statement about the future of the business and reviewing areas that need more attention.
The purpose of the retreat is to provide a forum for introspection, problem solving and policy
making. For some participants this will be their first opportunity to talk about their concerns in a
nonconfrontational atmosphere. It is also a time to celebrate the family and enhance its inner
A retreat usually lasts two days and is held far enough away so you won't be disturbed or tempted to go to the office. Every member of the family, including in-laws, should be invited. Begin planning your retreat about six weeks in advance.
Once you have picked a time and place, establish a tentative agenda. The agenda in Table 1 is typical.
Table 1 Agenda for Family Retreat
Day 1
8:00-10:00 Review family business history and current operations.
10:00-12:00 Discuss individual career goals and assess individual roles in the business.
1:00- 3:00 Discuss future plans of the company and how family members fit in.
3:30- 5:00 Prepare written statements of the family and business mission statements
and goals.
Day 2
8:00-10:00 Discuss areas in which policies need to be drafted (e.g. entry exit
10:00-11:30 Prepare a preliminary draft of policies.
1:00- 3:00 Discuss areas in which better communications are needed. What methods
are needed to keep everyone (including nonoperating family members)
3:30- 5:00 Review retreat and plan for next meeting._________________________________________________________________
Your actual agenda will be tailored to meet the unique needs of your family and business. Usually families will identify some of the following issues for discussion at their first retreat:
A family creed or mission statement.
Management succession.
Estate planning.
Strategic business planning.
The reward system.
Performance evaluation.
Communication within the family.
Preparing adult children to enter the business.
Transition timing.
Exit and entry policies.
A series of questions that can be used to identify topics for discussion is included in

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