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中央空调通风管道清扫机器人设计+SolidWorks3D2D图纸 第2页

更新时间:2016-9-10:  来源:毕业论文
Ventilation duct cleaning robot design
Abstract:At present the country to keep building large-scale shopping malls and office buildings, the ventilation ducts of the building and people's health has been closely linked. After the central air conditioning long-term use, dust, dirt and bacteria can accumulate inside the air conditioning and ventilation pipes, would contribute to the breeding of mites; attached to the indoor unit of germs in the air supply system blown back indoors, contaminated indoor air transmitted diseases, serious impact physical and mental health. Therefore, detection and cleaning ventilation ducts society more and more attention.
This paper describes the background and current situation of the ventilation duct cleaning robot, combined with the development of domestic ventilation duct cleaning robot, to clarify the background and significance of this issue, the paper outlines the organizational form and content. And then focuses on the ventilation duct cleaning robot of three parts: the walking mechanism calculation and design process, design concepts and key parts of the cleaning mechanism strength check calculation and monitoring and control system in a variety of sensor applications. At the same time, the difficulty for the ventilation duct cleaning robot when cleaning the pipeline exists, insight into how the robot while achieving four directions simultaneously sweeping manner and structural design, and how the robot walking through automatic sensor and automatic steering function.
 End of this article for the graduation project are summarized, and future research ideas to make a prospect.
Key Words:The ventilation pipe, The robot, Crawler walking, Rotating brush 第一章 绪论

1.1  课题的背景和意义
中央空调长期使用后,灰尘、污垢、细菌等会积聚在空调通风管道内部,不仅影响了空调的制冷,还容易造成螨虫和细菌的滋生;并且随着室内机的送风管道吹回室内,造成室内空气污染、传播疾病,对人们身心健康造成影响。人长时间的呆在受污染的空调房里,就会患空调综合症(乏力、头晕,免疫力下降),还容易受到皮肤病的感染。因此定期清洗通风管道是必不可少的本文来自优|文,论~文'网,毕业论文 www.youerw.com 加7位QQ324_9114找源文。但现在大型商场,办公楼内空调管道纵横交错,各个通风管道的尺寸大小不一,管道形状有矩形的和圆形的,管径和形状各不相同的管道之间构成有锥形接口、阶梯接口、“L”直角弯道、圆弧弯道、“T”或“Y”岔道等规格繁多,人无法进入清洗,而且人爬进管道清洗也会造成二次污染。

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