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室内环境外文参考文献和翻译 第2页

更新时间:2016-9-2:  来源:毕业论文
richest group the corresponding figure is 67%. Finally,
insulated buildings with double glazing are quite rare for the
lower income groups (8%), but this increases to 60% for the
high-income group.
Concerning the use of air conditioning, it is found that
although there is a very high increase in the installed a/c per
household as a function of income the density of installed air
conditioners per square meter is much higher for the lower
income people than for all other groups. Although middle and
high-income people use more air conditioning, the relative cost
of comfort during the summer period is much higher for the
lower income people as they live in buildings with limited
thermal protection and also because low-income housing is
located in areas of Athens where the heat island has maximum
intensity. In parallel, it is found that the use of air conditioning
significantly increases the annual electricity costs especially in
the low-income groups. While as a mean value, the use of air
conditioning increases the annual expenses by about 100 Euros/
household, the increase is much higher for the low-income
groups, where the relative increase of the cost because of the
use of air conditioning is close to 195 Euros/household.
The inappropriate design of buildings that results in
increasing urban temperatures, and the improvement of living
standards, have contributed to a spectacular increase in the
penetration of air conditioning in the residential sector.
According to the IEA [9] energy demand for cooling of
residential spaces accounted for 6.4% of total electricity
demand in the OECD in 2000 and there was a 13%growth from
1990 to 2000. As reported byWaide [10], almost 46%of OECD
households have some air conditioning, but this varies widely
from continent to continent and country to country. In the USA,
up to 80% of new homes have central air conditioning systems,
while the share of air-conditioned houses increased from 23%
in 1978 to 77% in 2001. In Europe, the penetration is quite low,
around 0.02 per household on average, but there was a
sevenfold increase over the 1990s and now a/c use could be
around 5–7% of households.

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