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更新时间:2016-11-3:  来源:毕业论文

对台海机电类产品贸易逆差的分析+解决台海机电产品贸易逆差的对策思考 摘  要
机电产品进出口额是一国或地区参与国际分工和对外贸易竞争的一个主要指标, 而机电产业则是国际贸易及国际上高新技术产品贸易的主导产业。近年来,随着中国经济的发展与两岸“三通”政策的实行,两岸的经济贸易往来发展迅速,尤其是机电产品,已经成为台海两岸最重要的贸易产品。但与此同时,大陆对台机电产品贸易一直存在着较大逆差并呈扩大趋势。本文从台海机电产品贸易现状入手,采用理论与实际相结合的方式,从产品结构,贸易条件和国民消费心理等方面分析双方机电产品贸易逆差产生的原因,并有针对性地提出政策建议,以期对扭转大陆长期不利的贸易地位,减少台海机电贸易逆差,促进两岸机电产品贸易健康发展有所帮助。

The Electromechanical industry plays an important role in international trade. For a country or a region, the volume of its import and export is a major indicator of its involvement in international specification, trade and competition. In recent years, with the development of China's economy and the execution of the Three Links Policy between mainland and Taiwan, the development of trade contact is rapid, especially electromechanical products. It have become the most important trade products between mainland and Taiwan. Meanwhile, the electromechanical products trade has been exist considerably deficit and shows a trend of enlarge. This article from the point of electromechanical product trade between mainland and Taiwan , through the way of theoretical combine practical, analysis the reason of the deficit on electromechanical products trade, and puts forward policy in order to turn our long-term deficit and promoting the healthy development of electromechanical products trade between mainland and Taiwan .
Key Words: mainland and Taiwan; electromechanical product; trade deficit

一、研究背景 3
(一)台海机电产品贸易发展历程概要 3
(二)理论综述 5
二、台海机电产品贸易现状分析 7
(一)台海机电产品贸易状况统计分析 7
(二)台海机电产品贸易逆差情况分析 9
三、台海机电产品贸易逆差影响因素分析 11
(一)产品结构对台海机电产品贸易逆差的影响 11
(二)台商在大陆直接投资对产品贸易逆差的影响 12
(三)产业内贸易条件恶化的影响 13
(四)消费心理的差异对机电产品逆差的作用 15
四、解决台海机电产品贸易逆差的对策思考 16
(一)大陆应加快调整机电产品出口结构 16
(二)引导台湾在大陆直接投资的流向 17
(三)加快、加大大陆企业对台投资力度 17
(四)加强大陆企业自主创新与品牌建设 18
结语 19
参考文献 20
谢辞 21
附录 22,3547

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