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英文论文_美剧字幕翻译中的归化策略 第2页

更新时间:2016-7-25:  来源:毕业论文
An Investigation of Domestication Strategy in Subtitle Translation of U.S TV Series

1. Introduction
With the globalization of world culture and the rapid development of the internet and film industry, more and more people are inclined to watch foreign films and TV series, especially the American TV plays. It has become an important part of our daily life. Meanwhile, a lot of researches have been dedicated to subtitle translation. Many scholars and experts have written a large amount of essays on this topic and have presented several effective and useful strategies based on different translation theories.大学生人生价值观特点的调查报告
The German philosopher Schleiermacher first presented in 1813 two translation approaches: one is that the translators should not disturb the readers, letting the author adjust to the readers. Another is that the translators should not disturb the author, let the readers adapt to the author; the first method is later called "domestication", which is based on the target languages or the readers in translation and the translation ought to be conformed with the habit of the target readers in order to please the readers by using traditional sense of translation. The second method is then called "foreignization" which is based on source languages or the authors in translation instead of compromising to the readers.
Professor Qian Shaochang(2000) has pointed out that the film language has five characteristics, namely verbal, comprehensive, instantaneous, plain and unexplainable. Subtitle translation is a special type of language transformation aiming to maximize the semantic information of source language. Domestication and foreignization are two different translation strategies which can deal with culture differences appropriately. If these two different translation strategies are used properly in the process of subtitle translation, the audience will get a better understanding of the films or TV series.
Some scholars believe that good translation should be a perfect combination of domestication and foreignization(Bao Chengmei 2011). Xu jin(2013) and some other scholars have pointed out that domestication specific in films or TV plays refers to the fluent use of language and traditional style to attract audience. Guo Jianzhong(2000,67)believes that "meaning is the most important". Translators should consider the culture differences between the source language and target language and reproduce the source language in the target language culture connotation. Film is a special form of literature

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