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时间:2022-01-03 12:30来源:毕业论文



Abstract: in recent years society begin to pay close attention to the development of children, to cultivate children's ability of pergent thinking and creation as the focus。 But how to make the children's art without adult mind-set too much interference, the technique of how to try to persify into children's art teaching, is still in the exploratory stage。 From children in the early development of surrealist painting, painting the pergent thinking way in nutrition, is everybody masters consensus, therefore, its representative miro, Dali and others work and painting instinct has a natural connection。 Form and thinking mode of convergence, the surrealism drawing in today also for the child draws the creation has the certain reference value, also to have certain guiding significance in the process of teaching。 Therefore, this article discusses on the actual art teaching how to surrealism art for reference, hope to be able to explore to promote children's pergent thinking method。

Keywords: surrealism, children's painting, pergent thinking

目 录

1  前 言 4

2  早期儿童心理特点及绘画特征 4

2。1  学前儿童心理特点 4

2。2  儿童画的特点 4

3  弗洛伊德与超现实zhuyi及儿童之间的联系 4

4  超现实zhuyi美术的形式手法 5

4。1  米罗的绘画特点 5

4。2  达利的绘画特点 6

4。3  马格里特的绘画特点 6

4。4   恩斯特的绘画特点 7

5  儿童画与超现实zhuyi绘画的共通性 7

结论 10

参考文献 11

致谢 12

1。  前言

现在的儿童画表现形式丰富多样,比如线描、油画棒、水墨画等,但是在表现形式上只是材料的尝试,而绘画的创作手法还是有些缺乏。所以我选择了以超现实zhuyi绘画为切入点,来尝试儿童画表现的多种可能。在美术的教学过程中我们不仅要做到引发学生的思考,激发学习的欲望,更重要的是培养学生的发散思维与创造能力。在超现实zhuyi绘画发展之初,从儿童绘画的发散性思维方式中吸取营养,便是各位大师们的共识,因此,其代表人物米罗、达利等人作品与儿作画的本能有着天然的联系。形式和思维模式上的共通性,使得超现实zhuyi绘画在今天同样对于儿童画的创作有一定的借鉴意义,在教学过程中也有一定的指导意义。下面我将从超现实zhuyi绘画的形式手法与儿童画的联系以及在美术教学中的应用来谈一谈如何培养学生的发散思维与创造能力。文献综述 超现实主义美术对儿童画教学的指导:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_88031.html
