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时间:2018-05-07 21:54来源:毕业论文
摘要:儿童公园作为儿童户外活动的主要场所,是儿童游戏生活行为的载体,营造优质的景观环境有益于形成积极的儿童户外活动氛围,对儿童的身心健康成长起到良好的促进作用。 对于一

Vertical design and River landscape design of XiaMen Children’s Park
Children's Park as the main venues for outdoor activities for children, is the carrier of the child "game" of life behavior.Build a quality landscape environment is benefit to form a positive outdoor activities atmosphere for children and play a good role in promoting children’s physical and mental growth.
For the design of the contents of a children's park, vertical design and river landscape design are two of the important aspects.Vertical design is the topography of the park planning and engineered to meet a variety of recreational facilities, construction and other features.Water is the theme of the children's park, and it is an indispensable part of the garden, river landscape design and construction is to create  a better game environment for the children. Only the park are various factors to consider fully the results of the design to be the best, and create the best playing environment.
       Key words: Children’s park; Landscape; Principle; Design method
1 绪论5
1.1  项目设计背景5
1.2  儿童公园的特征6
2 竖向、水系景观规划设计6
 2.1 竖向设计的意义、作用-7
 2.2 水系景观规划设计-7
3 设计目的与思路-8
 3.1 设计目标8
 3.2 总体规划思路9

4 设计手法与表现-10
4.1 竖向规划设计10
4.1.1 地形设计10
4.1.2 排水设计10
4.1.3 设计表示方法10
4.2 水系景观设计------11
4.2.1 水系景观功能分区----11
4.2.2 设计方法12
4.3 图纸表现手法13
5 结束语18
6 致谢19
7 参考文献20
 一.    绪论
 儿童天生喜爱游戏玩耍,游戏也是儿童早期学习和发育的主要手段,通过游戏启发了他们的想象能力,让他们在游戏中体验着自己的世界,学会谦让、宽容、合作等人际交往的优良品质和正确的人生观。在游戏的过程中通过模仿也学会了一些大人们生活中的初步技能,并且感受着各种人与人之间的情感联系,这都是在学习。可以说儿时的游戏时光对于儿童的发展起着极为重要的作用,也许对儿童一生的艺术培养、事业方向都会产生着一定的影响。因此,儿童公园中游戏内容和承载游戏的所有空间也是如此。如何为儿童营造一个游戏的乐园,如何使儿童在乐园中得到快乐、幻想、以及激发他们的创造力是设计重点所在。 儿童公园竖向及水系景观规划设计:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_15066.html