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时间:2021-12-31 11:02来源:英语论文
A Study on How Middle School Students Structure the Mind Map,英语论文初中生如何构建思维导图的研究According to the experiment, it is shown that middle school students have their characteristics of the Mind Map and thinking

A Study on How Middle School Students Structure the Mind Map Abstract Mind Map, as a novel and powerful technique has been accepted and popular in English teaching field。 This thesis mainly study how middle school students structure their Mind Maps, as the memory and evaluation aid, in the post-reading phase。 In the experiment in this thesis, middle school students are asked to structure their Mind Maps, which are used as the material for analyzing。 76548

According to the experiment, it is shown that middle school students have their characteristics of the Mind Map and thinking mode, which may different from adults or teachers, such as different choices of words, novel modes of organization and application of visual image tool。 And their Mind Maps also indicate factors influence students’ understanding of reading text, such as the title, main ideas and deep understanding of the text and so on。 So teachers, as the better facilitator, can help students not only structure an adaptive and right Mind Map, but also foster their ability to reading。 Therefore, the findings in this thesis are valuable and significant for the better application of Mind Map in reading teaching in the middle school。 

Keywords: Mind Map; Buzan; post-reading; student-centered; facilitator; 


摘  要随着教学改革与创新的要求,思维导图作为一种新兴并且强大的工具被越来越多地运用在教学的各个领域和方面中。而将其作为一种记忆和评估的手段是现在较为广泛运用的功能之一。而本文就主要着眼于因思维导图在初中英语阅读教学,尤其是在其能充分发挥记忆和评估手段的“读后”阶段的的运用。经前人的实践,传统的教师中心模式逐渐转化发展为学生中心模式--学生自己构建思维导图教师作为辅助、促进者角色。




1。 Introduction 1

2。 Literature review 1

2。1 The function rationale of the Mind Map 1

2。2 The appropriate way of study on how students structure own Mind Maps 2

2。2。1 The primary and effective application of Mind Map: memory and evaluation aid 2

2。2。2 The adaptive and feasible field for application of Mind Map: post-reading phase 2

2。3 The superiority of Student-Centered Mode and the importance of knowing how students structure their Mind Maps 3

3。 Methods 4

3。1 Experiment process 4

3。2 Aims and significance 4

4。 Results and Discussion 初中生如何构建思维导图的研究:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_87823.html
