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时间:2021-12-10 21:11来源:英语论文
A Rebel against the Adult World: An Analysis of Holden in The Catcher in the Rye,英语论文《麦田里的守望者》主人公霍尔顿形象分析

A Rebel against the Adult World:An Analysis of Holden in The Catcher in the Rye Abstract Jerome David Salinger is one of the spokesmen of American writers after World War II。 The Catcher in the Rye is his only long-length novel and also his masterpiece。 With the publication of the novel, Salinger becomes extremely popular all over the world。 As the protagonist of the novel, Holden has attracted the attention of scholars。 Many scholars have analyzed Holden from different aspects。 Holden is the only complete image of The Catcher in the Rye, his thinking and behavior patterns in particular environment manifest his main character。 On puberty in his youth, Holden is quite cynical。 He hates the adult world, because he can only find phonies in that world。 And he cannot bear to get away from the innocent world of the children。 Living in the cold world, Holden struggles to find love, but he fails to find it。 So, finally he becomes a lonely teenager who gets lost in all places。 He resists against the society with his behavior and tries to escape from the society, even he volunteers to be a lonely catcher。 This paper will analyze the image of Holden from the perspective of his rebellion。 We will discuss his rebellion from three aspects--- the reasons for Holden’s resistance, the ways of his rebellion, the significance and the results of his resistance。 Understanding Holden and his rebellion can enlighten us on solving the problems of youth’s growth。 And at the same time, it is also helpful for us to understand the spiritual crisis behind social material。75265

Keyword: J。 D。 Salinger; The Catcher in the Rye; Holden; rebellion; phony



摘要    杰罗姆•大卫•塞林格是二战后美国作家的代言人之一。《麦田里的守望者》是塞林格唯一的一篇长篇小说,同时也是他的代表作。小说出版后,塞林格的名声迅速传遍了世界。作为小说的主人公,霍尔顿吸引了学者们的注意。很多学者从不同的角度对霍尔顿进行了分析。霍尔顿是《麦田里的守望者》中唯一的完整的人物形象,其性格特征主要是靠他在特定环境中的思维和行为模式表现出来的。处在青春期的霍尔顿,是一个愤世嫉俗的敏感少年,他憎恶假模假式的成人世界,留恋纯真美好的儿童世界。在冷酷的社会现实中,他苦苦寻爱,却得不到爱,成为一个四处游荡的孤独少年。他用自己的行为反抗、逃避,自愿充当“孤独的守望者”。本文将从透视霍尔顿的反抗入手,围绕他的反抗对他的形象进行具体的分析。本文将通过三个方面来对霍尔顿的反抗进行分析——导致霍尔顿反抗的原因,霍尔顿反抗的方式和他反抗的意义与结果。深入了解霍尔顿这个形象能在解决青少年成长问题上对我们有所启发,同时能帮助我们了解社会物质文明背后的精神危机。



1。 Introduction 1

1。1 Background Information 1

1。2 Researches both at Home and Abroad 1

1。3 The Structure of the Paper 2

2。 The Causes of Holden’s Rebellion 4

2。1 Holden’s Family 4

2。2 Holden’s School 5

2。3 The Phony Society 7

3。 Holden as an Immature Rebel 9
