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时间:2019-04-19 22:10来源:英语论文
On the Study of Wang Zuoliang’s Translation of the Thunderstorm from the Perspective of Adaptation,英语论文顺应论王佐良的《雷雨》英译本研究

Abstract The Chinese culture is broad and profound. Chinese literature works are sparkling like stars whether from the Songs of Chu to Han-fu, from the Tang Dynasty to Song Dynasty, or from modern fiction to drama. Mr. Cao Yu’s Lei Yu is one of the most excellent dramas of the modern literature. The play is a life tragedy, in which the fate made a trick to people. The author criticizes the grave social and historical sin by presenting two families which have all kinds of links with ethic in blood. 34692
This paper will conduct a study based on the theory of Adaptation. Linguistic Adaptation, or pragmatics as a linguistic Adaptation Theory is a theory of linguistics created by Jef Verschueren. It refers in Adaptation Theory that language use is a process of making full use of language’s function. Language users need to make constant choices according to their communicative context to achieve the aim of communication. Here, adaptation is embodied in the mutual adaptation of the environment of language use and the choice of language structure.
The studies on Thunderstorm is persified. There have been large number of studies on Thunderstorm from various perspective before the present study. Based on the Wang Zuoliang’s translation of Thunderstorm, and with the comparison of Cao Yu’s Chinese version, this article will try to analyze Wang’s translation methods and strategies and his translation style and features by taking some examples from the perspective of the translation theory of Verschueren’s Adaptation Theory. The author want to discuss the success of Wang’s translation and the adaptability of the theory to all drama translation based on the Adaptation Theory.
Key words: translation of Thunderstorm     adaption theory     dialogue and idioms     translation methods and strategies     style and features
摘  要中华文化博大精深,单从文学这方面来说,从楚辞到汉赋,从唐诗到宋词,从近代小说到戏剧,无不是星辉熠熠。曹禺先生的《雷雨》是戏剧中比较有代表性的一部,所展示的是一幕人生大悲剧,是命运对人残忍的作弄。作者通过两个在伦理血缘上有着千丝万缕联系的家庭,剖析了社会和历史的深重罪孽。
毕业论文关键词:雷雨翻译     顺应论     人物语言和习语     方法策略     风格特点
摘  要    iii
Contents    iv
Chapter One  Introduction    1
1.1 About Drama Translation    1
1.2 Significance of the Present Study    1
1.3 Objectives and Questions of the Present Study    2
1.4 Outline of the Paper    2
Chapter Two  Literature Review    4
2.1 Introduction to Adaption Theory    4 顺应论王佐良的《雷雨》英译本研究:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_32289.html