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时间:2023-08-30 21:11来源:英语论文
The Comparative Study of Teacher Talk between experienced teachers and inexperienced teachers in English Teaching of Primary School,英语论文教师用语在小学英语教学中新教师与骨干教师间的对比研究

 The Comparative Study of Teacher Talk between experienced teachers and inexperienced teachers in English Teaching of Primary School

Abstract In primary school, teacher talk is the main source for students to learn English which is not only the language for teachers to organize the class, but also the most crucial input for students to learn from。 However, because of teachers’ unawareness of its importance, lack of understanding of its culture background and not having enough related training, there do exist some pitfalls in their teacher talk which do no good to students’ development of language competence。 The pitfalls are too much teacher talk, low efficiency of feedback, unidiomatic expressions and lack of creative thinking。 Two main differences between inexperienced teachers and experienced teachers are whether their feedback is effective and whether the sentences are complex or simple。 In this research, the audio-recordings were gathered during my internship which were the major subject for the analysis and discussion。 Besides, some implications about teacher’s professionalism are drawn。89946

Key words: Teacher Talk; pitfalls; differences; language competence


摘  要 教师用语不仅是教师用来组织课堂的语言,也是小学生学习英语最主要的语言输入来源。然而,部分教师没有真正意识到其重要性,没有很好地了解语言背后的文化背景,或者缺少针对性的训练,其教师用语中存在着一些不足之处,不利于学生的语言能力发展。教师用语的确存在一些问题,这些问题主要表现为:课堂中以教师用语为主导;教师反馈不到位;语言表达不地道以及缺乏批判性思维。新教师与骨干教师间存在着差异,主要为教师反馈和复杂句与简单句的使用情况。在实习期间,我对不同教师的英语课进行了录音,这些录音将成为我分析研究的主要内容。基于对这些材料的分析讨论,触发了一些对教师用语及教师职业的感悟与启示。



Chapter one Introduction 1

1。1 The present status of Teacher 来自优Y尔L论W文Q网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ7520~18766 Talk in Primary school 1

1。2 The background and significance of the research 1

1。3 The structure of the research 2

Chapter two Literature Review 4

2。1Research abroad 4

2。1。1 Definition of Teacher Talk 4

2。1。2 The clarification of Teacher Talk 5

2。1。3 The features of Teacher Talk 5

2。1。4 Other aspects of research 8

2。2 Research at home 8

2。2。1 The clarification of Teacher Talk 8

2。2。2 Other aspects of research 9

2。3 Theoretical foundation 9

2。3。1 Krashen’s Comprehensible Input Hypothesis 9

2。3。2 Flanders Interaction Analysis System 10

Chapter three Research Methodology 12

3。1 The research questions 12

3。2 Subjects 12

3。3 Data Collection 教师用语在小学英语教学中新教师与骨干教师间的对比研究:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_195664.html
