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时间:2020-05-08 20:50来源:毕业论文



The Marketing Strategy Analysis of The Movie《Ever Since We Love》

Abstract:In recent years, Government policy support as well as under the autonomic regulation of the Socialist market economy, China's overall economic development. As an economic power, the development of cultural industries is becoming an important part of economic development, and as an important component of cultural industries-the rapid development of the film industry also plays an increasingly important role in economic development. Slow development of the Chinese film industry, film marketing concept is relatively backward, in the context of economic globalization, China's movie industry wants to get the economic benefits and enhance their competitiveness, not only from within the film industry, needs to pay more attention to the movie marketing campaigns play an important role. Object to film things grow, as this paper, using a combination of marketing, marketing strategy, services marketing theory, for the film's marketing strategy more profound research and analysis, based on actual cases illustrate the important role of movie marketing for the film industry.

 Key words: Movie Marketing;The Marketing Strategy;Ever Since We Love

目    录

摘  要 1

Abstract 1

一、电影营销相关理论概述 2

(一)电影营销策略的概念与简析 2

(二)电影《万物生长》简介 3

二、电影《万物生长》的SWOT分析 3

(一)优势分析 4

(二)劣势分析 5

(三)机会分析 5

(四)威胁分析 6

三、电影《万物生长》的营销策略分析 7

(一)明星品牌策略 7

(二)线下活动营销 7

(三)网络营销策略 8

(四)电影衍生品的开发与营销 9

四、 电影《万物生长》营销策略中存在的问题与改进措施 10

(一)存在的问题 10

(二)改进措施 11

参考文献 13

致谢 14 


近几年来中国电影市场发展的如火如荼,面对着不断增长电影票房和广大的电影消费市场,电影产业如何才能的更好发展引起了整个行业的重视。专业的电影从业人员们逐步认识到优秀的电影营销能够使电影产业得到更好的发展。在中国,电影营销的发展仍旧处于落后的阶段,电影行业的快速发展使得竞争也越来越大,人们不得不认真的对待这一问题,从而思考电影营销的重要性和意义。当然,最重要的是如何进行有效精准的制定电影营销策略。 电影《万物生长》营销策略分析+SWOT分析:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_51154.html
