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时间:2019-12-20 16:21来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:网络小说 ; 电视剧 ; 改编热

  Analysis of the Thermal Phenomena in the TV Series Adaptation of the Network Novel

Abstract: In recent years, due to the temptation of many excellent works of fiction, a huge fans of the original books group, high return and text video conversion technology progress, television production companies begin to join to the adaptation of network novels, which makes the network novel become heat. TV shows a more prosperous market, but there are also a series of issues such as the quality of the adaptation, the fierce competition, the loss of cultural connotation and so on. Only when adapters correct attitude, serious thinking, recognize the situation behind the adaptation of boom can they produce more high quality adaptation. In this paper, combined with case analysis and literature review, put forward calmly adaptation craze, content innovation, deepen the cultural connotation, the government is doing a good job "gatekeeper" role of the five strategies, in order for future network drama of the novel adaptation plans and promote more healthy operation of TV market. 

Key Words: network novel; TV series; heat adaptation

目    录

摘  要 1

Abstract 1

一、电视剧市场呈现网络小说改编热 2

(一)改编剧数量庞大 2

(二)关注度居高不下 2

二、网络小说电视剧改编热的缘由 3

(一)多而优的小说作品 4

(二)庞大的原著粉丝群 4

(三)高回报的利益诱惑 5

(四)文字视频转换技术的进步 6

三、网络小说电视剧改编热引发的问题 7

(一)过于商业化导致质量下降 7

(二)盲目跟风引发同质化竞争 8

(三)过度娱乐化致使文化内涵丢失 9

四、网络小说电视剧改编长远发展的对策 10

(一)多种手段提升改编质量 10

(二)创新内容吸引受众关注 11

(三)冷静对待改编热潮 12

(四)深化改编剧的文化内涵 12

(五)政府做好“把关人”的角色 13

参考文献 15

网络小说电视剧改编热现象研究伴随着互联网的兴起和蓬勃发展,网络小说也应运而生,“广义上,网络小说可以涵盖所有由网络发布和传播的小说作品,但从网络文学起源的层面上,网络小说主要是指由网络写手原创并将互联网作为首发和传播平台的小说。” 由于网络小说自由的写作模式以及丰富多样的内容形式,深受广大青少年读者的喜爱,从而拥有了大批的粉丝群。 网络小说电视剧改编热现象研究:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_43694.html
