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时间:2019-12-11 19:18来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: 特效;微电影;AfterEffect

Design and production of chalk war micro film

Abstract: This paper mainly introduces a micro film production process with special effects. Mainly from the actor's choice, the use of equipment, venues, circumstances, video clips, post production and production of the use of plug-ins to introduce. Equipment choose Sony and Canon SLR camera on micro film material for shooting and on campus scenery viewing. After using aftereffect produced special presupposition and editing work is in the premiere, and use other software production subtitles and audio content. In this paper will be detailed on the production of special effects and the use of plug-ins to explain. The use of special effects, credits, and rolling subtitles and tidbits to form a complete micro film.

Keywords: Special effects; Micro Film; AfterEffect


摘要 1

Abstract 1

目录 2

1 绪论 4

1.1 选题的目的和意义 4

1.2 国内外研究现状及发展趋势 5

1.2.1 国内外对微电影的态度与看法 5

1.2.2 微电影的发展趋势 5

2 前期制作 7

2.1 剧本介绍 7

2.1.1 构思与灵感 7

2.1.2 关键剧情 8

2.2 角色定位 8

2.3 场景选择 9

2.4 内容拍摄 9

2.4.1 拍摄前准备 9

2.4.2 拍摄遇到困难及解决方法 9

2.4.3 拍摄感悟 9

3 后期处理 11

3.1 插件及软件介绍 11

3.1.1 Optical Flares插件介绍介绍 11

3.1.2 Trapcode插件介绍 11

3.1.3 Mocha软件 11

3.1.4 AfterEffect软件 11

3.1.5 Premiere软件 12

3.1.6 GoldWave软件 12

3.2 主要特效制作 12

3.2.1 闪电特效的制作 12

3.2.2 电磁波特效的制作 13

3.2.3 瞬移特效的制作(未完成) 14

3.2.4 光球特效的制作 15

3.2.5 子弹时间特效的制作 15

3.2.6 光剑特效的制作 粉笔战争微电影设计与制作:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_43260.html
