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时间:2017-02-20 12:47来源:毕业论文

摘 要:近几年来,名人广告因其自身的优势一直受到广大受众的关注,更因为名人虚假广告的猖獗成为社会讨论的焦点。论文首先对名人广告的定义进行界定,并分析其优势所在,如为产品赢得知名度、能够树立品牌个性、名人意见领袖的作用,进而着重分析名人广告在发展过程中存在名人广告法律不健全、名人社会责任意识淡薄、缺乏行业约束、名人广告模式化缺乏创意等问题,最后针对上述问题提出名人广告今后发展道路,如明确广告参与者的法律责任、加大惩罚力度、名人应加强社会责任感、消费者不盲从名人广告、加强广告行业自律与社会监督等。5865

Analysis of Current Situation of Celebrity Endorsement Ads
Abstract: In recent years, celebrity endorsement ads have attracted great attention. It even becomes the focus of public discussion for some false advertisements endorsed by celebrities.Firstly, the paper defines the concept of celebrity endorsement ads, and analyse its advantages. For example, it can increase brand awareness and build up brand personality. Then, we’ll analyse some problems about celebrity ads in the process of its development in detail. For example, the law about it is imperfect; some celebrities lack social responsibility; celebrity ads are lacking in industrial constraints and creativity. Finally, aiming at the problems mentioned above , some suggestions for the development of celebrity endorsement ads will be put forward. Here are some suggestions. There should be clearly-defined responsibilities for people involved in advertisements. We should increase our punishment level. Besides, celebrity spokesman should be more responsible for the endorsement deals they take on.The advertising industry also should control itself and receive social supervision. On the other hand, consumers shouldn’t follow the celebrity ads blindly.
Key Words: celebrity; celebrity endorsement ads; image of endorsement
目    录

摘 要    1
Abstract    1
一、名人广告概述    2
(一)名人广告的概念    2
(二)名人广告的优势分析    2
二、名人广告存在问题分析    6
(一)名人“形象”的变化影响产品销售    6
(二)虚假名人广告误导消费者    7
(三)名人形象与产品定位不吻合    8
(四)名人随意代言广告现象严重    8
(五)名人被代言现象频发    8
三、名人广告出现问题的原因分析    9
(一)我国广告法制不完善    9
(二)名人社会责任意识淡薄    10
(三)广告界缺乏行业自律    10
(四)名人广告模式化,缺乏创意    11
四、名人广告的创新之路思考    11
(一)明确广告参与者的法律责任    11
(二)加大惩罚力度    12
(三)名人应加强社会责任感    12
(四)加强广告行业自律与社会监督    13
参考文献    14
随着当今社会经济的飞速发展,广告在经济生活尤其是商品宣传方面的作用凸显。随着广告形式的日益多样化,名人广告因其独有的作用受到越来越多商家和广告公司的青睐。但随着名人广告问题频发,如“28商机网”“左旋肉碱黑咖啡广告”等事件,名人广告被推到了风口浪尖。本论文将我国名人广告的背景以及出现的问题进行分析,并提出名人广告今后的发展之路。 名人广告现状分析:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_3110.html