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时间:2019-01-09 18:26来源:毕业论文

South Korea variety show comparative study
Abstract: In recent years, a variety show after another around the world, has become the mainstream of European and American countries program type. Since the introduction of Korean variety show, has been the rapid development, it has become an integral part of Korean culture industry. South Korea gives the variety show unique culture and fame in Asia, and truly becomes the backbone of the variety show. Although there are a lot of our audience and the marketing of variety show is very broad,in terms of production standards, we still have gap with South Korea or Europe and the United States. This paper compares the characteristics of each Chinese and Korean variety show, a representative of each program analysis to identify the differences in programming mode, production technology and other areas. And it also pointed out the shortcomings of a variety show, a comprehensive analysis of the different cultures, values, creative ideas, methods of promotion between the two countries for the development of a variety show and made a plan.
Keywords: variety show; South Korea and China; comparative study
 目  录
一、绪论    1
(一)问题的提出    1
(二)文献综述    1
(三)研究的目的和意义    2
二、综艺节目的界定    3
(一)综艺节目的定义    3
(二)综艺节目的种类    3
三、中韩综艺节目的发展历程和现状    6
(一)中国综艺节目的发展历程和现状    6
(二)韩国综艺节目发展历程和现状    6
四、中韩综艺节目比较分析    8
(一)中韩综艺节目形式的差异    8
1、节目形式的差异    8
2、场景设置的差异    8
(二)中韩综艺节目制作技术的差异    9
(三)中韩综艺节目经营策略的比较    9
1、版权营销    9
2、广告营销    9
3、事件营销    10
4、体验营销    10
5、文化营销    10
五、中韩综艺节目典型案例比较    11
(一)中韩《爸爸去哪儿》比较    11
(二)中国《奔跑吧兄弟》与韩国《Running Man》的比较    12
 优尔、我国综艺节目存在的问题及借鉴韩国的策略    14
(一)我国综艺节目存在的问题    14
(二)我国综艺节目借鉴韩国的策略    15
致  谢    17
参考文献    18
(一) 问题的提出
综艺节目的出现,满足了人们在观看电视节目时对精神文化的追求,因此它的发展态势日趋猛烈,世界上多数国家都出现了综艺节目的形式。韩国在综艺节目制作上的巨大成功,反衬出我国的作为文化大国,在综艺节目发展上的差距。对比研究中韩综艺节目能够为我国综艺节目将来的发展提供经验。 中韩综艺节目的比较研究+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_29091.html