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时间:2016-12-23 12:59来源:毕业论文

摘  要:20多年来,我国电视公益广告获得了长足的进步,其中道德类电视公益广告占了较大比重。此类广告对于改善社会现状,促进精神文明建设具有重要作用。我国道德类电视公益广告的议题类型、媒体分布各有不同,议题本身也发生了一系列变化,变化主要是由于政策主导、媒体对热点的追求、受众的推动等原因造成的。这类公益广告的议程设置具有体现政府意志、弘扬社会公德、突显人文关怀、注重感性诉求、以小见大的特点。在受众的认知、态度和行为等方面具有影响。当然历年来道德类电视公益广告在议程设置时也存在议题内容选择不够全面、政治浓厚、议题缺少长期的策划、投放的时段选择不合理、播出的次数还不够等不足之处,因此有必要在这些方面进行改进,以促进我国道德类电视公益广告的良性发展,获得更好的社会效果。4676

    A Study on Agenda Setting of    
Television Public Service Advertisements on Morality
Abstract: For over 20 years, television public service advertisements in China have gained considerable progress, in which advertisements concerning morality account for a large proportion. These advertisements play an important part in improving the current social situation and promoting cultural and ethical construction. Type of issues and media distribution of television public service advertisements in China are both different; varied issues themselves also have undergone a series of changes mainly due to policy guidance, the pursuit of hotspots in media and audience’s promotion. The agenda setting of such public service advertisement is characterized by the reflection of the will of the government, the advocacy of social morality, the highlighting of humanistic concern, the emphasis on emotional appeals and an insightful vision of smallness, which has an effect on the audience’s awareness, attitude and conduct etc. Certainly, over the years, television public service advertisements on morality also have had some drawbacks in agenda setting such as the incomprehensiveness of the content of agenda setting, a strong attachment to politics, a lack of a long-term plan in agenda setting, the unwise selection of the launch time and the inadequacy of the number of their broadcasting etc. Hence, improvements should be made in these areas so as to promote a healthy development of television public service advertisements on morality in China and achieve better social effects.
Key words: morality; television; television public service advertisements on morality; agenda setting
目    录

摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、公益广告与议程设置概述    3
(一)公益广告概述    4
(二)议程设置理论概述    4
二、道德类电视公益广告的议题分析    5
(一)议题类型及媒体分布    5
(二)议题选择变化及缘由    14
(三)议题的特点    15
三、道德类电视公益广告的议程设置效果分析    17
(一)对认知的影响    17
(二)对态度的影响    18
(三)对行为的影响    18
四、道德类电视公益广告议程设置尚存的不足及改进措施    19
(一)不足表现    19
(二)改进措施    21
参考文献    23
公益广告倡导公共意识,借助生活中的现实议题对公民的思想进行教育,起到规约人们行为促进社会和谐的作用。1986年11月,贵州省贵阳电视台播出的《请君注意节约用水》是我国公益广告史上播出的第一条经过专业创作的电视公益广告。“这一公益广告播出后的当年第四季度,贵阳市自来水消耗量就比上年同期减少47万吨。” 《广而告之》栏目于1978年在央视成立,作为我国第一个电视公益广告栏目,播出了一系列涉及公共利益的公益广告,其主题涉及到社会道德、环境保护、交通安全、爱心助残等等,达到了很好的传播效果。随着我国公益广告的发展,其对社会公德的传播,对人们树立正确的价值观做出行为选择所起到的作用越来越明显。在市场经济高速发展的今天,诸种价值观念相互冲突带来了种种社会问题,公益广告对缓和社会矛盾发挥着的独特作用得到了更多的关注,对于它议程设置的研究可以促使其达到更好的传播效果,最好的发挥出它的作用。 道德类电视公益广告的议程设置研究:http://www.youerw.com/xinwen/lunwen_1442.html