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时间:2021-10-24 15:11来源:毕业论文

摘要光的直线传播定律看似直接,它的深入解释却远不是那么简单,因为它背后隐藏着 关于光更本源的物理意义。本论文从我们最熟悉的费马原理入手,从几何光学的角度初 步证明这个定律,接着探索费马原理的本质:最小作用量原理。在最小作用量原理的动 力学形式中引出了“粒子”和“质量”的问题,从而把问题从宏观世界带入了微观世界, 引导我们了解了光子的本质。然后从光的粒子性出发,运用量子电动力学的结论,通过 路径积分法再次描述光沿直线传播的近似规律。最后,围绕着“质量”的本源问题进行 探索,结合粒子物理学的希格斯机制浅谈质量的起源,引出无质量粒子光子的运动方式, 从而对光的直线传播定率给出我们所能达到的最深刻的物理解释。73298

毕业论文关键词 光的直线传播定率;最小作用量原理;光子的本质;路径积分;希格斯机制

毕业设计 说明 书外文摘 要

Title From the origin of mass to the linear propagation  law of light

AbstractThe linear propagation law of light seems rather straightforward,however, its real explanation is not as simple as people usually think because of the profound physical significance behind the nature of light。 This paper begins from the Fermat principle which we are most familiar with, we first prove the linear propagation law using a geometrical optic approach。 Then we explore the origin of Fermat's principle, the Principle of Least Action。 From the dynamic form of the principle of least action, we introduced the concepts of "particle" and "mass", which guide our discussion from the macro world into the micro world to touchdown on the nature of the photon。 Starting from the particle nature of light, we utilize conclusions from quantum electrodynamics (QED) to analyze and prove again that light travels in an approximate straight line through the path integral method。 Finally, we focus on the "mass" issue and explore the origin of mass with the Higgs mechanism in particle physics, which again lead to the motion of photon particle。 For the conclusion, we have achieved the deepest explanation of the light linear propagation law to the best of the knowledge that we could grasp。

Keywords the linear propagation law of light; the principle of least action; photon; path integral; Higgs mechanism

本科毕业设计说明书 第 I 页

1 绪论 1

1。1 选题的背景及意义 1

1。2 国内外研究概况 1

1。3 研究的内容及目的 3

2 最小作用量原理 4

2。1 费马原理 4

2。2 最小作用量原理的产生 7

2。3 作用量的概念 9

2。4 哈密顿原理 12

光子的本质 ·

3。1 光子的概念·

3。2 光的波粒二象性·

3。3 光子的空间扩展· 从质量的起源到光的直线传播定律:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_83603.html
