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时间:2020-04-20 20:23来源:毕业论文


 Primordial black holes is a kind of back holes predicted in theory , and they differ from the normal back holes which are formed from the collapsed stars . Theory indicates that there are some areas with a certain density fluctuations in the early universe , and matters in high-density areas can shrink to form a black hole because of gravity . Such black holes are called primordial black holes , whose quality and size can be much smaller than normal black holes, and they have some different properties from the normal black holes . The study of the primordial black holes can help people to deepen the cognition of the early universe , there is important role in research of the development of the universe . This article studies the evolution of primordial black holes which are static , not rotating , uncharged and spherical , the theoretical calculations find that a small mass of primordial black holes has a high temperature , so that they will keep losing mass in the background of cosmic microwave radiation. At last we show that the releasing energy from Hawking radiation is not the source of dark energy .

毕业论文关键词:原初黑洞; 霍金辐射; 密度涨落;

Keyword:  Primordial black hole;  Hawking radiation;  Density fluctuation;  

目    录

引言 4

1、黑洞概述 4

1.1牛顿力学中预言的黑洞 4

1.2广义相对论预言的黑洞 5

2、原初黑洞简介 5

3、原初黑洞的主要性质 6

3.1 大小与结构 6

3.2热力学性质 7

3.2.1黑洞热力学第零定律 8

3.2.2黑洞热力学第一定律 8

3.2.3黑洞热力学第二定律与第三定律 9

4、原初黑洞的演化与影响 10

4.1原初黑洞的形成 10

4.2原初黑洞的演化 10

4.2.1发展 10

4.2.2对外影响 13

4.3原初黑洞的消亡 14

5、结论 16

参考文献 17

致谢 17


在20世纪70年代,霍金在研究黑洞理论过程中提出一种新型的黑洞——原初黑洞:在宇宙早期,某些区域存在一定的密度起伏,高密度区域的物质经万有引力作用能塌缩形成黑洞。原初黑洞与恒星塌缩形成的黑洞一样,也是连光都不能从中逃逸的强引力宇宙天体,只不过它的体积可以远小于恒星塌缩形成的黑洞,半径最小的原初黑洞比中子还小。首先我们将介绍黑洞的热力学性质,然后我们主要研究了静止、不带电荷及球状的原初黑洞演化过程。通过计算,我们发现小质量原初黑洞具有很高的温度,在宇宙微波背景辐射下,它的质量会逐渐减少。最后,我们还证明了原初黑洞辐射释放的能量并不是暗能量的来源。  原初黑洞的演化与影响:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_50230.html
