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时间:2018-09-10 14:27来源:毕业论文

关键词  近程动态测距  激光引信  三角法   随机干扰
Title    Anti-interference technology in real-time laser short range finding                     
Laser fuze is a kind of missile hitting target essential part, and its main technology is the goals of measurement, so he real-time laser short range finding for the improvement of the missile target rate is very helpful, but also can enhance the national strength.Because of the laser fuze ranging system will suffer a lot of interference source of interference, resulting in missile early burst, bombing and so on a series of consequences, and influence the largest is by flying debris, dust and other interference sources are caused by random disturbance.The random disturbance situation after the detailed study of the real-time laser short range finding, in the laser triangulation range finders and attacked objects between the measuring distance uninterrupted based design a concrete methods of anti-interference.By continuously measuring the distance data, then, the abrupt change distance is removed as the interference, and the resistance of laser fuze to random disturbance is enhanced.
Keywords  Real-time  short range finding   Laser Fuze Random interference   Triangulation Measurement
目   次
1 引言 1
1.1 论文背景和意义 1
1.2 激光近程动态测距发展现状  1
1.3 本文的主要研究内容 2
2 激光测距方式 3
2.1激光测距原理 3
2.2 激光测距中常用的几种方式 4
2.3 激光测距技术的比较  6
3 激光三角法测距系统设计  8
3.1  激光发射系统  8
3.2  光电接收系统  9
3.3  信号处理电路  11
4 浅析常见的干扰与抗干扰的一些方法  12
4.1  干扰分类  12
4.2  抗干扰的一些方法  12
5抗随机干扰的具体方案 14
5.1  抗随机干扰技术研究  14
5.2  抗随机干扰的具体方法和界面显示  14
结论  22
致谢  23
1  引言
1.1  论文背景和意义
随着时代不断的发展,科学技术也在快速地发展,所以技术应用也在不断地更新。现如今,许多传统的测距方法已经不再适用于这个时代的要求,以前的测量方法遇到了瓶颈。如在大地勘测、井的深度、卫星轨道实时监控、目标导弹的距离等用传统测量方法来得到他们的位置、位移等信息都是很难的。为了解决这些难题,我们选择了用激光来进行测量。自激光问世以来,激光测量技术就得到了发展,第一台激光测距仪在上个世纪优尔十年代就已出现 。引信顾名思义就是引起爆炸。它集发现目标、辨别目标及引爆炮弹于一身。使炮弹能精准的打击目标 。以前的武器大都是人为的瞄准射击或者扔手雷弹,这样射程短,命中率也低。随着科学技术的发展,武器也越来越先进,我们可以不用直接命中目标,而只要在被攻击物体周围爆炸,就可以利用导弹的威力把目标打落。所以,激光引信关注度不断地增加,用来增强导弹的命中率。 激光近程动态测距中的抗干扰技术研究:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_22793.html