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时间:2022-08-01 22:49来源:毕业论文

摘  要:《三国演义》的成书过程较为漫长,事实上在三国以后即已滋生有关三国时期的大量传说,并且辗转发展变化。到唐宋之际,随着民间说话的兴起,三国故事成为民间说话里非常受欢迎的题材。元末明初,罗贯中依据民间讲史,并参考三国戏等民间文艺,再结合《三国志》,终于编撰出《三国志通俗演义》。到清康熙年间,毛氏父子对《三国演义》进行大规模的增删修订,由此形成的版本就是现今流传颇广的通行本。由于时代和民间欣赏趣味的变化,其与原本《三国演义》在宏观思想表达、人物形象塑造等方面产生了一定差异。通过比较两个版本作品在塑造人物形象等方面的差异,可以看出不同时期社会意识形态、大众趣味等方面的变化。论文通过对两个版本中曹操形象刻画的比较,探讨作者加工的成败得失和背后隐藏的深层次原因,借以理清两个版本的前后继承和发展关系。82831


Comparison of Robben and Cao Cao's characters

Abstract:"Romance of the Three Kingdoms," the process is relatively long, the fact that after the three countries have been breeding in the Three Kingdoms period of a large number of legends, and the spread of change。 To the occasion of the Tang and Song Dynasties, with the rise of folk talk, the story of the three countries to become popular in the folk to talk about the subject。 In late Yuan and early Ming Dynasties, Luo Guanzhong according to the folk history and reference the Three Kingdoms play etc。 folk literature, combined with the "Three Kingdoms", finally compile the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms popular historical novel"。 To the Qing Emperor Kangxi years, Mao and his son of the romance of the Three Kingdoms of large-scale revised additions and deletions, the resulting version is now spread quite widely accepted this。 Because of the change of the times and the folk appreciation, it has some differences with the original "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" in the theme expression, the character image and so on。 By comparing the two versions of the works in the shape of characters and other aspects of the differences, we can see the different periods of social ideology, the public interest and other aspects of change。 Through the comparison of the two versions of Cao Cao in the portrayal of the processing of the success or failure and hidden behind the deep-seated reasons, so as to have a clear two versions of the before and after the succession and development of the relationship。

Key words:Romance of the Three Kingdoms;Cao cao;Image comparison

目        录

摘  要1










致 谢13



关于《三国演义》的创作和演变,现代学者胡适曾在《<三国演义>序》中说过,“《三国演义》不是一个人做的,乃是五百年的演义家的共同作品。”[1]在晚唐时有诗人李商隐,他的《娇儿诗》中有这两句:“或谑张飞胡,或笑邓艾吃”,这诗句中明显描述的便是三国人物,由此推测三国故事最迟应在晚唐时期就开始流传民间;根据宋代孟元老的笔记体散记文《东京梦华录》中描绘的北宋东京生活情景,在当时的勾栏瓦肆间已出现“说三分”的大家,这表明北宋时三国故事已经由说书人口耳相授开始在民间成系统的流传;三国故事流传发展到元代逐渐出现了以“三国故事”为题材的杂剧,大量经典的三国故事被搬上戏曲的舞台在民间大范围流传;元代时有佚名人创作出作为元代说书人蓝本的元代讲史话本《全相三国志平话》,此书分上中下三卷,对后来罗贯中创作《三国演义》产生了一定的影响,再到罗贯中完全创作出《三国演义》这部长篇章回体历史演义小说,其间经历了约五百年。从前文表述中看来,正是基于这些三国故事的流传与发展,罗贯中最终才能拥有大量素材创作出《三国演义》。文献综述 罗本与毛本曹操人物形象刻画比较:http://www.youerw.com/wenxue/lunwen_97341.html
