    摘要:为了综合利用酿造业产生的废啤酒酵母和蓝莓加工业产生的蓝莓渣,本文采用超声波辅助废啤酒酵母对蓝莓渣中的花色苷进行吸附。本试验探究了吸附温度、超声功率对此吸附过程的影响,并且探究了吸附动力学特性和吸附机制。结果表明:在一定温度和超声功率下,随着吸附时间的增加,废啤酒酵母对花色苷的吸附量相应增加,在120min时达到最大值;在一定温度下,废啤酒酵母对花色苷的吸附量随着超声功率的增大而增加(超声功率不超过394.17 W/L);在一定超声功率下,废啤酒酵母对花色苷的吸附量随着温度的增高而增加(温度不超过40℃);超声波辅助吸附的效果好于静置和水浴振荡条件下的吸附效果;在此实验条件下的吸附过程较好的符合二级动力学模型;废啤酒酵母对各种单体花色苷的吸附程度不同,其细胞壁的蛋白质和多糖中的氨基、羟基和酰胺基团在吸附过程中起着关键作用。28405
    Ultrasound-assisted biosorption of anthocyanins extracted from blueberry pomace by waste brewery’s yeast 
    Waste yeasts derived from brewery were used for the bioadsorption of anthocyanins extracted from blueberry pomaces. Meanwhile, ultrasound was applied to enhance the adsorption process. The influence of adsorption temperature and ultrasonic power on the adsorption process were investigated and the adsorption mechanism was explored. . The results showed that the amount of anthocyanins adsorbed by waste yeast increased with ultrasonication time at a certain temperature. After ultrasonication for 120 min, the adsorption yield reached maximum. Both temperature and ultrasound intensity within the studied range had positive effect on the adsorption process. Furthermore, the second-order kinetic model was successful in modeling the adsorption kinetics. Besides, according to FIRT analysis, it was found that the adsorption degree of various monomeric anthocyanins by waste brewery’s yeast is different and the amino, hydroxyl and amide groups in the protein and polysaccharide of the cell wall played a key role in the adsorption process.
    Key words: anthocyanins;ultrasound;biosorption;blueberry pomace; waste brewery’s yeast
    目  录

    摘要:    1
    关键词:    1
    Abstract:    1
    Key words:    1
    引言:    1
    材料与方法    2
    1.1主要试验材料与试剂    2
    1.2  主要仪器与设备    3
    1.3 方法    3
    1.3.1 生物吸附    3
    1.3.2吸附动力学研究    4
    1.3.3 吸附前后单体花色苷变化研究    4
    1.3.4 吸附前后废啤酒酵母官能团变化研究    4
    1.3.5 数据统计与分析    4
    2  结果与分析    4
    2.1 吸附效果    4
    2.1.1  静置、水浴振荡与超声波辅助废啤酒酵母吸附蓝莓渣花色苷比较    4
    2.1.2  超声功率对废啤酒酵母吸附蓝莓渣花色苷的影响    5
    2.1.3 温度对废啤酒酵母吸附蓝莓渣花色苷的影响    6
    2.2  吸附动力学研究    6
    2.3  吸附前后单体花色苷变化研究    7
    2.4  吸附前后废啤酒酵母官能团变化研究    8
    3  讨论    9
    3.1 温度和超声功率对吸附过程的影响    9
    3.2 超声辅助吸附的优势    9
    3.3 吸附动力学分析    9
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