    摘 要:近些年来,国家多次出台了各项政策支持民营企业的发展,尤其是对河南省民营企业,随着中原崛起战略和中原航空港的设立,河南省民营企业又将迎来一次历史性的发展机遇。现在的经济环境下,市场竞争日益激烈,因此,民营企业迫切需要从自身改革,以适应当下的市场环境,否则将会被市场淘汰。本文主要是通过对民营企业代表WGY集团人力资源管理问题的研究,分析其人力资源管理当中存在的主要问题,针对目前WGY集团的薪酬体系设计、人员培训计划、员工职业生涯管理体系等提出相应改善意见,最后结合河南省中小民营企业情况,提出一些简单的改革措施,希望能够以此对河南民营企业在人力资源管理建设中有所启发。34516
    Henan Province Private Enterprises Human Resource Management    Research ——WGY Group as An Example
    Abstract:In recent years, the state has introduced policies to support the development of private enterprises, especially private enterprises in Henan province, with the national rise of central China strategy and the establishment of central plains airport, private enterprises in Henan province and will usher in a historic opportunity for development. Although at present the development of private enterprises in our province has a gratifying achievements, but because at the beginning the development of private enterprises is very big part of the reason is because entrepreneurs spelling dare to dare to do that at the time of the economic environment to survive, grow, and now the economic environment, market competition is increasingly fierce, therefore, private enterprises urgently need to reform itself, to the current market environment, otherwise will be eliminated by the market. This article mainly through to the Zhoukou of Henan private enterprises on behalf of orchard group, the study of human resource management problems, analyze the problems of human resource management, and then put forward the corresponding improvement countermeasures, hoping to inspire to the management of small and medium-sized private enterprises in Henan province.
    Key words: Small and Medium-sized Private Enterprises; Human Resource Management; WGY Group; Salary Administration
    目    录

    摘  要    1
    Abstract    1
    一、民营企业人力资源管理相关理论研究    2
    (一)人力资源管理概念    2
        (二)人力资源管理理论的发展演变    2
    (三)民营企业的区分    3
    二、WGY集团基本情况和人力资源管理现状    4
    (一)WGY集团的基本情况    4
    (二)WGY集团的组织架构和人力资源管理现状    5
    三、WGY集团人力资源管理存在的问题    7
    (一)企业管理层对人力资源管理认识不足    7
    (二)员工薪酬设计不合理    7
    (三)员工培训流于形式    8
    (四)职业规划不清晰    8
    四、WGY集团人力资源管理问题的解决措施    9
    (一)提高管理层对人力资源管理的认识    9
    (二)制定合理的薪酬管理制度    9
    (三)实施完善的培训计划    9
    (四)建立职业生涯管理体系    10
    五、WGY集团给河南省民营企业的启示    11
        (一)民营企业家需要提高对人力资源管理的价值认识高度    11
    (二)建立健全的人力资源管理制度    11
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