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时间:2022-09-24 20:19来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  温湿度检测  无线通信  STM32F103  数字通信 


Title   Digital temperature and humidity monitoring system   based on WIFI communication interface             

AbstractThe wireless communication network has a simple installation, easy maintenance, low cost, mobile and strong characteristics, temperature and humidity detection system is conducive to information gathering, transmission and processing of information。so the temperature and humidity system detected by means of a wireless communication in there is great demand on the current society。 This paper uses DHT11 temperature and humidity module, STM32F103RBT6 microcontroller and ESP8266 wireless communication module, these elements built a temperature and humidity detection points。 Within a wireless network placed multiple detection points, they rely on the wireless router and are connected to the host computer。 Detection points are controlled by the microcontroller, DHT11 regularly send the temperature and humidity data to the microcontroller, and then through the Wi-Fi module sends data to the host computer。 PC receives, processes and stores the data for later analysis and use。 The test shows that the system is fast, flexible and suitable for the multi-point detection and recording of temperature and humidity in large space。

Keywords  Temperature and humidity testing; Wireless communication; STM32F103; Digital communication

目   次

1  绪论 1

1。1  课题的背景、目的与意义 1

1。2  国内外研究现状 2

1。3  本课题研究的主要内容及论文组织结构 2

1。3。1  本文主要研究内容 3

1。3。2  本论文的组织结构 4

2  温湿度测量及Wi-Fi通信原理 6

2。1  温湿度测量原理 6

2。1。1  温度测量 7

2。1。2  湿度测量 8

2。2  Wi-Fi通信原理 9

2。2。1  WLAN概述 9

2。2。2  WLAN的网络结构 10

2。2。3  无线通信协议 12

2。2。4  IEEE 802。11标准 13

3  温湿度测量系统的设计方案 14

3。1  系统设计目标 14

3。2  系统体系结构 14

4  硬件设计和元件特性 STM32基于WIFI通信的数字温湿度监测系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_99745.html
