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时间:2021-12-27 16:21来源:毕业论文

摘 要:为了监测人体生理参数,从而尽早发现病人潜在的健康风险,本文基于物联网技术设计了一个人体生理参数监测系统。选用HK-2000B+、DS18B20和BP300三个传感器来分别对脉搏、体温、血压进行测量,设计放大滤波电路来对信号进行放大并过滤噪声信号,介绍了无线网关和监护基站的设计。介绍了ZigBee技术的特点及网络拓扑结构,简要说明了添加采样任务的过程及结构。测试了体温指标采集的准确度。本设计能够减少人力管理带来的各种问题,具有成本低、功耗低、实时性好、嵌入性强、安全方便等优点,具有应用价值,比较适合应用于干扰不太大的地方,由于受到成本及其他条件的限制,只分析了测试的准确度,其中可能还有些实际问题没有考虑到。76330


Abstract:This paper is based on the technology of Internet of things to design a human physiological parameters monitoring system so that we can monitor the human body physiological parametersand detect the patient's potential health risks。 Three sensors such as HK-2000B+, DS18B20 and BP300 are chosen to measure pulse, body temperature, blood pressure。 The enlarge filter circuit for signal amplification and filtering the noise signal is designed after。 And then it introduces the wireless gateway, the design of the monitoring station, the features of ZigBee technology and network topology structure。 It briefly illustrates the process of adding sample tasks and structures。 And the accuracy of the temperature index collection is tested at the end。 This design can reduce the manpower management of various problems。 It has the application value and a lot of advantages such as low cost, low power consumption, good real-time, embedded sex strong, safe and convenient。 It is suitable for application in the field of interference is not too big。 It only analyzed the accuracy of the test since the limitation of cost and other conditions。 Some actual problems may be not taken into account。

Keywords:internt of things,thesensor technology,wireless sensor network,human’s physiological parametersmonitoring


1绪论 2

1。1研究背景及意义 2

1。2研究现状 2

2系统设计方案 2

2。1总体框图 2

2。2远程家庭监护系统对网络的要求 2

2。3家庭监护网络体系设计方案 2

2。4物联网技术概述 2

2。5无线传感器网络概述 2

2。6无线传感器网络的体系结构 2

2。7无线传感器网络的发展趋势 2

3系统硬件设计 2

3。1无线传感器节点设计关键技术 2

3。2无线数据通信单元 2

3。3生理信息与数据采集单元 2

3。4无线网关 2

3。5监护基站设备设计 2

4监护系统软件设计 2

4。1ZigBee技术的主要特点 2

4。2网络拓扑结构 2

4。3基于ZIGBEE协议栈的通信平台实现 ZigBee物联网技术的人体生理参数监测系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_87572.html
