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时间:2021-12-22 22:04来源:毕业论文

摘要协议序列用于无反馈冲突信道的信道接入,能为无线传感网以及移动自组织网络提供 良好的短期性能稳定性和公平性。借助优异的互相关性能,协议序列能进一步确保数据 在固定时延内被成功发送,同时无需信道侦听和退避,因此能有效改善网络能量效率。 不同于以往考虑的单包接收信道,本论文以时隙异步情况下的多包接收信道为信道模型, 对 CRT 序列的构造方法以及工作原理进行了深入学习,并仿真分析了其在平均吞吐率、 最差吞吐率、平均延迟以及最差延迟等方面的性能表现。仿真结果表明,与伯努利机制 相比,CRT 序列的吞吐量更大,延迟更低。75933

毕业论文关键词 无反馈冲突信道 协议序列 多包接收 吞吐率 延迟

毕 业 设 计 外 文 摘 要

Title Performance analysis of protocol sequence in an asynchronous multiple-packet reception channel

Abstract Protocol sequences were originally proposed for channel access in the collision channel without feedback。Recently, they have been employed to provide guaranteed shortt-erm stability and fairn ess for wireless sensor networks and mobile ad hoc networks rel-ying on special Hamming cross-correlation properties。In addition,they do not need chane feedback and backoff algorithm, l which can effectively improve the energy eff-iciency。Different from the most previous studies a ssuming single packet reception ch-annel, this thesis focuses on multi-packet reception (MPR) in asynchronous operating mode, in which each mode can access the channel in a completely asyn chronous way。In the context of asynchronous MPR,this thesis extensively studies the construction medthod and working principle of CRT sequences ,and investigates the network peformance via simulation in terms of average throughput, the worst-case throughput, average d elay and the worst-case delay。 It is shown that the CRT sequences outperform the Bernoulli acc ess scheme in a variety of network conditions。

Keywords Collision channel without feedback Protocol sequence Multi-packet reception Throughput Delay

本科生毕业设计 1

1 引言 1

1。1 无线多接入系统 1

1。2 无反馈冲突信道 3

1。3 协议序列 4

1。4 多包接受机制 6

1。5 国内外研究现状 8

1。6 论文结构与主要工作 10

2 多包接受理论基础 11

2。1 多包接受物理层技术 11

2。2 多包接受基本模型 14

2。3 异步多包接受工作原理 15

3 协议序列 18

3。1 工作原理 18

3。2 设计准则 24

3。3 CRT 协议序列 25

3。4 异步多包接受下 CRT 序列性能实例分析 30

3。5 本章小结 32

4 基于异步多包接受的 CRT 序列仿真分析 33

4。1 仿真工具 异步多包机制下的协议序列性能分析:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_86995.html
