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时间:2017-04-22 16:21来源:毕业论文
论了发射端知道不同程度信道状态信息 (Channel state information, CSI)情况时,通过对发射信号合理地编码,并利用块衰落信道模型特点,实现的符号扩展算法

摘要在无线网络中,干扰一直是一个棘手问题。干扰对齐作为一种新的干扰抑制和管理手段,因其能实现网络自由度而成为了现在的研究热点。该文主要研究的具体内容如下: 1.  讨论了发射端知道不同程度信道状态信息 (Channel state information, CSI)情况时,通过对发射信号合理地编码,并利用块衰落信道模型特点,实现的符号扩展算法。3 个用户单输入单输出干扰信道完全已知 CSI 在中高信噪比时,和速率比完全未知 CSI 高,例如在信噪比等于20dB时,至少高5 bits/s/Hz;在2 个用户多输入单输出广播信道,在高信噪比区间,发射端已知一个用户 CSI 的和速率比未知2 个用户CSI时高2 bits/s/Hz。 2.  在发射端能获取完整信道矩阵条件下, 研究了两种干扰对齐迭代分布式算法:最大化信干噪比和最小化加权干扰泄漏算法。经仿真比较发现,前者速率和在中低信噪比优于后者。7485
 关键词:干扰对齐 和速率  信道状态信息 符号扩展 迭代分布式算法  最大化信干
噪比  最小化加权干扰泄漏  
Title    Interference  Controlling   and  Management  Techniques    
for   Interference-Cooperating    Multi-Cell  Wireless  
Communication     Systems
Interference is a hard  problem  in wireless networks. As a new interference
management  and processing tool, interference alignment (IA)  is  becoming  a hot
research topic because of achieving degrees of freedom of wireless networks. The main
work of this paper is as follows:
     1. The symbol extension algorithm is investigated when the  transmitter  knows
partial  channel state  information (CSI).  By encoding the transmitted signals  in  the
block fading channel,  symbol extension can be achieved. In the 3-user  single-input
single-output interference channel, the sum-rate of knowing perfect CSI is higher than
that of knowing no CSI  at medium and  high signal-to-noise  ratio (SNR)  regions, for
example, when SNR=20dB, this gain is 5bit/s/Hz; In the 2-user  multi-input
single-output broadcast channel, the sum-rate of knowing CSI of one user is 2 bits/s/Hz
higher than that of knowing no CSI for both users at high SNR region.
     2. Two distributed iterative IA algorithms are investigated: maximum signal to
interference-and-noise ratio algorithm and minimum weighted interference leakage
algorithm. Simulations show that the sum-rate of the former is better than that of  the
later at low and medium SNR regions.
Keyword: interference alignment, sum-rate, CSI, symbol extension, distributed iterative    
algorithm,  maximum signal to interference-and-noise ratio algorithm,  minimum  
weighted interference leakage algorithm.
 目 次
1 绪论  .  2
1.1 研究背景及意义    2
1.2 干扰对齐领域研究动态  .  4
1.3 论文结构和内容    5
2 干扰对齐概念及基本模型  .  6
2.1 预编码技术  .  6
2.2 自由度.  7
2.3 干扰信道模型  .  8
3 干扰对齐解析解——符号扩展  .  14
3.1 干扰对齐解析解原理.  14
3.2 全部 CSIT 条件下的符号扩展  .  17
3.3 部分CSIT 条件下的符号扩展    19
3.4 仿真与分析  .  27
4 干扰对齐分布式算法    31
4.1 干扰对齐信道相互性.  31 干扰协作多蜂窝无线通信系统的干扰管理和抑制技术研究 :http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_5469.html