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时间:2019-01-02 21:58来源:毕业论文

关键词  物联网  C8051F320 CC2430 无线传感器网络
Title    Design and Implementation of Experimental System  of Things                                        
In recent years, with the rapid development of networking, communications and sensor technology, based on wireless sensor design interactive platform it has been widely applied to people's production and life, design of things experimental platform as the current era of an important topic. To this end, the article uses the C8051F320 microcontroller, CC2430 wireless communication module and light sensors and temperature and humidity sensors designed this experiment Things internet. The system implementation work (1) experimental platform hardware module design, including the microcontroller module, wireless communication module CC2430, the sensor module, the display module serial port module and power module; (2) hardware module corresponding software and process design; (3) collecting the selected PC software for data collected experimental system were analyzed, and ultimately to light and temperature and humidity monitoring. The final design of the platform better to complete the real-time monitoring of light, and the design of the application as a basis for a smart curtains.
Keywords  The Internet of things  C8051F320  CC2430   wireless sensor network
目   次
1  引言 1
1.1  论文的背景及意义 1
1.2  研究现状及前景 1
1.3  章节安排 2
2  系统的功能及总体方案 3
  2.1  整体设计方案   3
2.2  Zigbee协议的优势 4
2.3  工具平台的选择 5
3  硬件设计 6
3.1  主控模块的选型与设计 8
3.2  无线通信模块的选型与设计 8
3.3  传感器模块的设计 10
  3.4  LED电路模块设计 12
  3.5  LCD液晶显示模块设计 13
  3.6  串口模块的设计 14  
  3.7  电源模块的设计 14
4  软件设计 16
4.1  整体软件的流程 16
4.2  模数转换子程序的设计 16
4.3  无线收发子程序的设计 17
4.4  上位机程序的选择 18
5  实验结果分析 20
结论  23
致谢  24
参考文献 25
1  引言
    当今社会在经历了计算机、互联网以及移动通信网这三次跨时代的发展之后,又一次迎来了新的高峰——物联网[1]。物联网,顾名思义就是物和物之间组成的相互联系的网络,它通过感知外界的信息,来实现人与物、物与物之间的“交流”。如何实现呢?首先就是在物体上安装上传感器,来接收外界的信息,然后这些信息可以通过无线局域网、移动通信网等网络来相互传递,最终还可以汇聚到终端来处理这些信息,从而实现某种程度上的智能化。这种智能化可以大大的降低人工的使用,并且更加精确[2]。因此,物联网实验平台的研究就成为了当前社会的重要课题之一。 C8051F320单片机物联网实验系统的设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_28626.html