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时间:2020-08-18 15:53来源:毕业论文



Abstract: the basketball to teenagers have a good body comprehensive development, is one of the middle school students prefer sports, it's in the middle school sports teaching and exercise has an important position in the competition. In the basketball movement physical quality to the proportion of large, physical quality is the basis of the basic technology play basketball, good physical quality is the guarantee of technology, so the good physical quality in the basketball match is to determine the key factors of competition, this paper USES literature, expert interview method to the physical quality to the basketball movement is analyzed, the influence of pointed out the physical quality of the advantages and disadvantages in the impact of factors such as the success of the game, and put forward relevant countermeasures, according to research the problem of youth basketball development and provide theoretical basis of youth physical quality training, for teaching and training of people in the future to provide certain reference.

Key words: basketball,Middle school students, Physical quality, methods


1 前言: 5

2 研究方法与研究对象 5

2.1研究对象 5

2.2文献资料法 5

2.3访谈法 5

2.4调查分析法 5

3 分析与讨论 5

3.1新世纪中学生篮球运动的发展趋势 5

3.2各项身体素质在篮球比赛中的作用 6

3.2.1力量素质 6

3.2.2速度素质 7

3.2.3耐力素质 7

3.2.4灵敏素质 7

3.2.5弹跳素质 8

3.2.6柔韧素质 8

3.3篮球运动员身体素质现状及分析 8

3.4如何提高身体素质以及应注意的问题 9

3.4.1 力量素质训练 9

3.4.2 速度素质的训练 10

3.4.3 速度耐力的训练 11

3.4.4 科学合理的身体锻炼对青少年的影响 12

4结论与建议 13

4.1 结论 13

4.2 建议 13

参考文献 14

致谢: 15

1 前言:

   篮球运动既是竞技运动项目,也是一项备受大众青睐的健身运动项目。今年来,随着体育选项课的普及,篮球和其他运动项目一样,成为中学生喜爱的体育活动项目。篮球运动技术性强,技术要求细腻,速度快,变化多,比赛竞争激烈。中学生正是体育运动的可塑时期,因此,要结合青少年的胜利特点,进行有的有效的训练。篮球运动中每一个技术动作极其过程都是身体素质的各种表现,身体素质和技战术息息相关,良好的身体素质是不断提高篮球技战术水平的物质基础,因此,篮球的不断发展的同时也对运动员的身体素质提出了更多的要求。为了使中学生的身体素质越来越受到人们的普遍重视,本文对身体素质的概念以及身体素质在篮球运动中的作用进行了一些论述,以求我国对篮球运动员落后的身体素质现状进行改善,促进我国中学生篮球运动水平的提高。因此,如何通过科学合理的训练,较快提高中学生篮球运动员的身体素质,显得尤为重要。 浅谈中学生篮球比赛中身体素质对比赛的影响:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_58563.html
