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时间:2020-05-13 20:43来源:毕业论文



Investigation and analysis of the current situation of rural middle school

-- Taking Luanchuan County middle school as an example

Abstract:Using literature data method, questionnaire survey method, inductive statistics of middle school big break development present situation investigation and analysis, and the results of the study show that, Luanchuan County Sports recess to carry out the poor status, decreased the degree of participation of students, lack of enthusiasm on the big break activities. The problem of teachers. Activities of the organization and management. The supply of equipment of the activities and the final evaluation methods is main reason leading to this situation. And put forward the following suggestions: changing the conception of physical education teachers. Improve the organization of the big break, to interest pision team. Ensure school sports equipment safety measures to improve equipment management system. Improve the school evaluation system In order to promote students' comprehensive development and improve the evaluation system of students' personality as the goal, it provides reference for the future development.

Key words: Junior high school; Big break; Development situation

目    录

摘  要 1

1研究对象与方法 2

1.1研究对象 2

1.2研究方法 2

2结果与分析 3

2.1栾川县农村中小学大课间体育活动现状调查 3

2.2农村中学大课间活动存在的问题 7

3 结论与建议 7

3.1结论 7

3.2建议 7

参考文献 9

附录 10

致谢 12 


随着教育部、国家体育总局关于《进一步加强学校体育工作、切实提高学生健康素质的意见》以及《全面启动参与全国亿万学生阳光体育运动的通知》等文件的相继出台,学生的体质问题越来越受到大众的重视。据考察到的资料显示:最近 20 年,中国青少年的体质问题在持续上升,特别是爆发力、力量、耐力素质以及肺活量等常规检测内容的不达标。超重与肥胖学生比例明显增加,学生视力不良检出率持续上升。导致这些问题的出现有多方面的原因,但是学生每天的体育锻炼不足、体育活动时间得不到保障是最主要原因。所以,改革传统的大课间体育活动,开发符合学生身心发展规律,丰富多彩的大课间体育活动内容和形式势在必行。



为对农村中学大课间现状进行调查,特选取栾川县潭头初中、秋扒初中、狮子庙初中、庙子初中、三川初中、大青沟初中300名学生和相应的教职工以及学校相应的负责人为调查对象,进行了问卷调查和访谈。 农村中学大课间现状调查与研究分析:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_51531.html
