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时间:2019-09-19 19:13来源:毕业论文

Analyses how to implement the persification of teaching method in the elementary school sports teaching
Abstract :Elementary school sports teaching is reforming, the elementary school sports teaching method also has enriched, the persification of teaching methods for students is very important, the persification of teaching methods to pupils' physical education learning and physical and mental development have more request, not only requires primary school students to master the basic knowledge of sports, also requires that elementary student's comprehensive development in moral, intellectual, physical, the United States, therefore, how to implement the persification of the elementary school sports teaching method to improve and promote the elementary student's moral, intellectual, physical, all-round development will be of great significance. The persification of the elementary school sports teaching method, not only is the persification of teaching methods, and the persification of physical education teaching content; Is not only beneficial to the elementary student's learning, but also to students of physical education learning interest; Is not only beneficial to the completion of the school's teaching goal, also can enhance the effectiveness of physical education teaching contents, to make teachers more efficient, easy and smooth for the elementary school sports teaching, this article discusses in the elementary school sports teaching the importance of the implementation of the persification of teaching methods.
Keywords:Primary school sports;Teaching methods;Diversification.
目    录
摘  要    1
前言    2
一、进行小学体育教学方法的多样化的核心与教学模式的创新    2
1.把学生作为教学的核心    2
2.体育教学模式有待创新    2
二、小学体育教学方法的多样化的实施    3
1.根据小学生的好奇性特征而制定教学方案    3
2.创设课堂情景模式,制定课堂游戏,增强课堂的趣性    3
3.多媒体教学法在体育教学中的应用    4
4.建立体育比赛项目,提高小学生的竞争意识    7
5.课堂的结束部分,引导学生回课堂    8
结语    9
参考文献    10
致谢    11
浅析小学体育教育中如何实施教学教方法的多样化      前 言
    随着经济的发展和新时代对教育要求的提高,在小学体育教学中,小学体育教学方法的多样化的实施非常重要。当前教育改革下,新课改的教育要求是把学生作为教学的主体,根据每个学生的基本情况,因材施教,确保在体育教学的作用下能够激发学生自己的运动兴趣,以促进学生的身心健康等。这一方面,可以使学生教学过程的主体地位在体育教学中得到肯定,另一方面,对教师来说,在其体育教学思想上提出了新的挑战。因此改变传统的小学体育教学方法将迫不及待。随着全球化社会的发展,教育也要相应的跟随社会的需要而发展,只有将教学体育理论和实践结合起来,才是最适合学生学习的教学方法。为了提高学生们的积极性,我们教师的教学模式,必须改变以往的单调和乏教学,提倡体育教学内容、体育教学方法的多样化,下面就此进行详细探讨。 小学体育教学中如何实施教学方法多样化:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_39522.html