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时间:2021-12-05 21:06来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键字:小学  数学课堂  师生互动  对策

Abstract:With the accelerated pace of the new curriculum reform, the modern classroom teaching needs of human interaction。 And the current teacher-student interaction in the mathematics classroom of elementary school there are still single interaction forms and the situation of the teaching of the lack of art, teachers and participate in discussions with students role is not clear and interactive evaluation is simple and other problems, this paper aiming at these problems were field observation and questionnaire investigation and study, combined with several aspects of interaction between teachers and students in teachers, students, teaching content and influence factors, to explore teachers to do enrich the classroom interactive teaching form, creating effective teaching situation, reasonable participation in the discussion and research, adopt a correct evaluation method, promote the development of students。

Key words: primary school mathematics classroom teacher student interaction

目  录

1前言 4

2调查方法的采用 4

3调查结果与分析 4

3。1 现场观察法研究结果 4

3。2问卷调查法研究结果 5

4.影响师生互动的因素 8

4。1 教师因素 8

4。2学生因素 8

4。3 教学内容 9

5.师生互动中存在的问题 9

5。1 师生互动形式单一化 9

5。2情境教学缺乏艺术性 9

5。3教师参与学生讨论角色不分明 10

5。4教师评价互动形式简单化 10

6提高小学数学课堂师生互动实效性对策 10

6。1丰富课堂教学互动形式, 10

6。2创设有效的教学情境 11

6。3正确对待问题的讨论与探究 11

6。4采用正确的评价互动方式 11

7结论 13

8参考文献 14

1 前言

“师生互动是指在师生之间发生的各种形式、性质和各种程度的相互作用和影响。”[1]新课标指出:学生是数学学习的主人,教师是学习的组织者、引导者和合作者。根据这一理念,在课堂教学中,教师就要力求转变角色,转变观念,由一个教导者转化为合作者,力争营造一个平等、合作、民主的课堂氛围。[1]让教学过程不仅是一个“师生双边互动”的过程,也是学生焕发生命活力、体现生命价值的生活过程。而在真正的数学课堂中,师生互动是否达到新课改的具体要求?仍然还存在哪些问题?以及如何做到通过师生互动进行有效教学?就是本文主要研究的内容。这些问题的研究是为本人以后步入小学数学教师这一工作岗位,能够进行有效的课堂教学打下坚实基础。 小学数学课堂师生互动情况调查研究:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_85901.html
