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时间:2019-04-14 13:40来源:毕业论文

摘 要“问题是数学的心脏,”没有问题就没有数学;数学问题起于数学情境,情境是产生问题的沃土。随着课程改革的不断深入,教育界愈来愈重视对创设问题情境及其有效性的探索和研究
(1)    情境创设晦涩难懂,不够简单
(2)    问题情境的切入点不当,牵强附会
(3)    问题情境喧兵夺主,降低教学效率
(4)    问题情境的创设过于花哨,淡化了数学实质
Problem is the heart of mathematics and mathematics don’t exist without problem Mathematical problem results from mathematical contexts and mathematical contexts is the fertile land of mathematical
Problem With the reforming of middle school curricula educators take the study of mathematical problem contexts mare and more seriously. Problem contexts is the psychological condition that a man has perceived it but don’t know how to reach it when he don’t solve new problem with the previous knowledge.The aim of designing mathematical problem contexts is to discover contradiction and to break up the balance state that exists in one’s mind and to stimulate his inner strength.And then the student will go into the state of studying.Designing mathematical problem contexts is not only the need of creating knowledge but also the need of carrying out new mathematical curricula.It is not only favorable to stimulate the motive of learning mathematics but also to cultivate the questionarl consciousness and to raise the mathematical level and ability of the students.
Creating problem situations in high school mathematics teaching problems:
(1) creating situation arcane, simple enough
(2) the specification of the problem situation is undeserved, far-fetched
(3) with loud soldier seize the main context, the lower the efficiency of teaching
(4) the creation of problem situation too fancy, played down the mathematics essence
Research shows that: according to the research status at home and abroad and the exploration and analysis of typical examples, mathematics situation creation there are a lot of problems, there are many teachers in the common problems existing in the teaching process, it also suggests that: to create a good problem situation, have high demands on teachers.
Key words:mathematical problem contexts;he research status and significance ;problems existing; effectivity;
(一) 国内研究状况及水平
凡是有成效的教学与教育,均需要有与其目标相适应的教学情境;如果情景与其教育目标不相合,就是所谓的“性相近,习相远”。从广义上来讲,问题情境教学不是现代的产物,而是有着悠久的历史传统,我国古代有着较明显的情境教育思想,这主要体现在我国古代教育对学习环境、对人的教育作用的重视上。我国古代教育家有关情境教育的论述不胜枚举:《荀子•劝学》中说:“蓬生麻中,不扶而直,白沙在涅,与之俱黑••••••••故君子居必择乡,游必就土,所以防邪僻而近中正也”。 中学数学问题情境创设探究:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_32054.html