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时间:2019-10-25 18:54来源:毕业论文

摘要:丹参是一种沿用已久的中国传统中草药。丹参具有活血通经、祛瘀止痛、清心除烦的功效, 可用来治疗冠心病、心绞痛、心烦不眠、月经不调、经闭痛经等病症[1]。丹参中含有的脂溶性成分丹参酮具备很多药理作用,在医学领域有很广泛的应用。但由于丹参酮的溶解性和渗透性较低,其口服制剂药效一直不理想。利用具有增溶性质的天然物质甜茶苷(RUB),我们进一步研究增强丹参酮水溶性的方法。本研究将丹参酮和增溶物质甜茶苷分别溶解到无水乙醇、甲醇和异丙醇三种不同的溶剂中,丹参酮分子和增溶剂分子间形成水溶性胶束,从而使丹参酮的水溶性增强。实验数据表明丹参酮-增溶剂微米微粒能有效的增加药物的溶解度,减少药物的挥发和氧化等,并提高其生物利用率.本文通过天然微米颗粒产物的办法,探讨了制备该包合物的最佳工艺条件,为水溶性丹参酮药剂的研制提供了依据。41277
Preparation of water-soluble Salvia
Abstract: Salvia miltiorrhiza is a traditional Chinese herbal medicine which has been used for a long time in China. Salvia promoting blood circulation, blood stasis and relieve pain, pure heart trouble removal effect, used to treat coronary heart disease, angina, upset, insomnia, irregular menstruation, amenorrhea dysmenorrhea and other diseases [1]. The lipid soluble constituents of Salvia miltiorrhiza have many pharmacological effects, which are widely used in the medical field. However, due to the low solubility and permeability of Salvia, its oral preparation has not been ideal. With the solubilization properties of natural substances rubusoside (rub), we further study the enhanced tanshinone water-soluble optimal method. In this study, tanshinone and solubilizing substances rubusoside were dissolved in anhydrous ethanol, methanol and isopropanol three different solvents, tanshinone molecule and the solubilizate molecules form water-soluble micelles, so that tanshinone enhanced water solubility. Experimental data show tanshinone - solubilizing agent micro-particles can effectively increase the drug solubility, reduce the volatilization of medicine and oxidation, and improve the biological utilization rate. In this paper, the optimal technological conditions for the preparation of the inclusion compound were studied by the method of natural micro-particles, which provided the basis for the development of water soluble.
Keywords:    Salvia; solubilizers; natural micro-particles products; solubility enhancement; bioavailability
目     录
1 绪论    1
1.1 概述    1
1.1.1 丹参概述    1
1.1.2 丹参酮概述    1
1.1.3 甜茶苷概述    1
1.1.4 丹参酮的功效作用    2
1.2 丹参酮水溶性药物制剂的研究现状    3
1.2.1 表面活性剂法    3
1.2.2 助溶剂法    3
1.2.3 改变难溶性物质的结构    4
1.2.4 改变溶剂组成    4
1.2.5 包埋技术    4
1.3 本课题的目的及研究意义    5
2 实验    6
2.1 实验材料与试剂    6
2.2 实验仪器与设备    6
2.3 实验方法    6
2.3.1 丹参水溶性微米颗粒的制备    6
2.3.2 微米颗粒粒径和PDI的测定    7
2.3.3 包埋率的测定    7
2.3.4 溶解度的测定    9
2.4 单因素实验的研究    10
2.4.1 芯壁材比例的影响    10
2.4.2 搅拌速度的影响    10 丹参水溶性制剂的研制:http://www.youerw.com/shiping/lunwen_41298.html