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时间:2021-12-10 21:03来源:毕业论文

摘要东亚飞蝗Locusta migratoria manilensis (Meyen)是世界性害虫,对农业生产、社会经济危害极大。蝗虫微孢子虫Nosema locust是蝗虫等直翅目昆虫的专性寄生的单细胞原生动物,对昆虫的繁殖能力等具有重要的影响。本研究以东亚飞蝗为研究对象,设置不同浓度(1。25×106个/mL、5×106个/mL、2×107个/mL)的蝗虫微孢子虫试剂处理东亚飞蝗,来研究蝗虫微孢子虫对东亚飞蝗卵黄原蛋白和卵黄原蛋白受体基因的表达以及卵巢发育的影响,为更好的理解蝗虫微孢子虫对东亚飞蝗生殖系统的致病机理提供理论基础,为更好更有效的防治蝗灾提供理论指导。


Abstract Locusta migratoria is the worldwide agricultural pests and harms our country agriculture seriously。 Nosema locust is grasshoppers Orthoptera obligate parasitic single-celled protozoan, has a significant impact on insects reproductive capacity。 The ovarian development, LMVg mRNA and LMVgR mRNA expression levels of Locusta migratoria manilensis (Meyen) were studied at three different varieties of concentrations treatment of Nosema locust。 The varieties were 1。25×106 /mL, 5×106 /mL and 2×107 /mL。 Provide a better understanding of Nosema locust pathogenic mechanism oriental migratory locust reproductive system theoretical basis and theoretical guidance for controling locusts better and more effectively 。

In this paper, we used molecular biology methods and means, starting from the micro and macro aspects, determined in Nosema locust infection, the expression of Locusta migratoria reproductive system closely related vitellogenin gene and vitellogenin receptor gene and ovarian development situation。 The result showed that the synthetic processes of vitellogenin was prevented by N。 locust。 The lack of vitellogenin cause ovarian hypoplasia。 It had the difference between different concentration。 The lightest ovarian was dealed with 5×106 /mL and the level of LMVg mRNA expression is lower than others。 It could significantly inhibit the level of LMVg mRNA expression, and promote the level of LMVgR mRNA expression level。 Among three different varieties of concentrations treatment of N。 locust, the biggest impact was caused by the treatment of 5×106 /mL。

毕业论文关键词:东亚飞蝗; 蝗虫微孢子虫; 卵黄原蛋白基因; 卵黄原蛋白受体基因; 卵巢发育

Key words:  Locusta migratoria manilensis; Nosema locustse; vitellogenin gene; vitellogenin receptor gene; ovarian development 


摘要 4

引言 5

1 材料与方法 5

1。1  供试虫源 5

1。2卵黄原蛋白和卵黄原蛋白受体基因表达情况 5

1。2。1主要耗材和试剂 5

1。2。2 主要实验仪器设备 5

1。2。3 实验方法 6
