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时间:2021-03-27 22:01来源:毕业论文



Abstract:Huai'an government focuses on accelerating the development of high quality rice, horticulture and efficient, large-scale livestock and poultry, aquatic and leisure characteristics of agriculture, "4 + 1" modern agricultural industry to promote the transformation and upgrading of the quality and efficiency of Huai'an City of modern agricultural industry. By understanding the characteristics and significance of efficient gardening, horticulture and efficient conduct Huai'an City Development Research fieldwork observation. To investigate the effect and efficient gardening Huaian agricultural and economic model, pointing out problems and make recommendations for improvement. Finally, the Huai'an unique geographical and resource advantages into embodied energy, and draw on relevant experience, and strive to build multi-functional environment, science and technology exhibition, and leisure tour as one of the new agricultural industries. Traditional agriculture on Jungars earth, and revitalize.

Keywords: Huaian,high efficiency horticulture,modern agriculture,Research Report

1  前言 5

2  概述 5

2.1  淮安地理位置 5

2.2  淮安气候条件 5

2.3  园艺发展情况 5

2.4  高效园艺的概念 6

3  淮安高效园艺调查 6

3.1  调查内容及对象 6

3.2  调查时间及方法 6

3.3  调查结果 6

4  重点项目 8

4.1  "菜篮子"工程蔬菜生产基地 8

4.2  食用菌产业 9

4.3  花卉苗木基地 10

4.4  水果采摘园 11

5  产业发展存在的问题 12

6  关于发展高效园艺的建议 13

结论 15

参考文献 16

致谢 17

附表 18

1  前言

我国经济的快速发展,使园艺产业受到许多人的青睐,在的十八大报告关于农业的论述中指出:“加快现代农业发展,加强农业生产力,确保国家粮食安全和重要农产品的有效供给。检查把国家基础设施建设和社会事业发展的重点放在农村,深入推进新农村建设和扶贫开放,全面改善农村生产生活条件。最终形成增收,保证农民收入呈较快增长形式[1]。”淮安市是江苏省的农业大市,农业结构进入战略性调整的新时期,所以面临非常多的问题。需要充分利用高效园艺发展现代农业,有利于提高生产率和劳动者素质,对促进农业发展至关重要。 淮安市高效园艺发展状况调研:http://www.youerw.com/shengwu/lunwen_71993.html
