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时间:2021-03-31 20:10来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词  非效率投资  融资约束  股权性质  股权集中度

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title The Study of Non-efficiency Investment Behavior and Its Governance in Listed Companies—Empirical data from Chinese state-controlled listed companies


Factors affect the efficiency of investment are numerous and complex. This article focuses on the classic factors caused non-efficient investment behavior by classification, named financing constraints and equity structure. And the equity structure can be pided into two aspects.They are the nature of equity and equity concentration. On the basis of the above theory, the paper selects the data of Chinese state-controlled listed companies from 2009 to 2011, and Vogt model improved by increasing the degrees of concentration of equity, the proportion of state-owned for study. Then we obtain the following conclusions.Firstly, Chinese state-controlled listed companies are compared to other listed companies in terms of investment efficiency by financing constraints to a lesser extent. Secondly, the state-controlled listed companies compared to non-state-controlled listed companies show a more significant overinvestment. Finally, the size of equity concentration impacts on the investment efficiency of Chinese state- controlled listed companies with uncertainty. The corresponding recommendations are enumerated from two aspects of the equity structure and financing constraints.

Keywords   Inefficient Investment  Financing Constraints   Nature of Equity  Equity  Concentration

目   次

1  绪论 …1

1.1  研究背景与研究意义 …1

1.2  研究方法与研究内容 …1

1.3  研究框架 1

1.4  创新与不足 …3

2  理论基础与文献综述4

2.1  相关概念的界定 …4

2.2  非效率投资的影响因素 5

2.3  文献综述 9

3  实证研究设计…11

3.1  研究假设 11

3.2  模型构建与变量选择 …12

3.3  样本选取与数据来源 …14

4  实证检验与结果分析15

4.1  描述性统计 …15

4.2  回归分析 15

4.3  实证结果分析 19

5  对非效率投资行为治理机制的建议21

5.1  从融资约束角度的政策建议 21

5.2  从股权结构角度的政策建议 21

结论 22

致谢 23

参考文献 24

1  绪论

1.1  研究背景与研究意义

投资决策、融资决策和股利政策是企业财务决策的三大组成部分,事实上,企业财务管理的根本并不是想解决筹措投资活动所需的资金,也不是可作为融资决策组成部分的股利分配政策,而是将资金运用于高回报率的投资项目。投资决策作为企业最根本意义上的财务决策,决定了企业经营活动创造现金流量的能力,从而决定了企业的价值。在信息完全对称、企业内部不存在代理问题的理想环境下,企业可以实现使企业价值最大化的投资规模,即最优投资规模。 上市公司非效率投资行为及其治理机制研究:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_72232.html
