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时间:2020-12-01 11:16来源:毕业论文



Abstract: In the enterprise financial management, working capital management has a crucial impact on the enterprise, its relationship with the survival and development of enterprises, working capital management work in relation to the survival and development of enterprises, working capital management actively, can make the enterprise financing ability is enhanced, will improve the efficiency of working capital operation, help enterprises to maintain good solvency in order to ensure the normal development of the production and operation of enterprises activities, to improve the profitability of enterprises, so the working capital management is the key to the survival and development of enterprises excellent location.Based on the modern financial management theory as a guide, to BBK group as the main research object, combining the working capital management of typical enterprises abroad,analyses the main problems of working capital management of BBK group.

Keywords: working capital, financial management, retail enterprises

目 录

1  引言 4

2  企业营运资金管理概述 4

2.1  营运资金的含义与特点 4

2.2  营运资金管理的主要目标 4

2.3  营运资金管理决策 4

3  步步高的营运资金管理问题 5

3.1  较高的流动资产规模 5

3.2  营运资金管理效率低 7

3.3  债务分配不合理 9

3.4  营运资金管理方法较为落后 9

4  步步高营运资金的管理对策 10

4.1  改善流动资产结构 10

4.2  重视营运资金管理的科学支撑 11

4.3  拓宽融资渠道 11

4.4  提高供应链的管理水平 12

结论 13

参考文献 14

致谢 15

1  引言


步步高商业连锁股份有限公司1995年成立,是湖南省知名连锁零售企业,其虽然得到了较迅速的发展,但和国际知名连锁零售企业比仍差距甚远。并且国内尚无实力较强、规模较大的零售企业,大多企业主要依靠网点的外延式扩张来拓宽其规模,企业自身的规模效益得不到充分体现,和跨国零售企业的销售额与门店数量及市场等相比仍是相差甚远。因此,对营运资金的管理的研究有着至关重要的含义。 企业营运资金管理研究步步高连锁零售企业为例:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_65458.html
