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时间:2018-11-14 20:02来源:毕业论文

摘要股票期权制度的兴起可以追溯到20世纪50年代的美利坚合众国,它是一项能有效处理签订 “委托与代理”契约时面临的一些难题的立新机制,理论上属于酬劳和潜在的风险相吻合的不可多得的激励机制。并在众多国家得到了广泛应用并获得了巨大的反响。我国引入股票期权是在20世纪90年代左右,由于股票期权在我国刚刚开始推行,在我国仍处于发展的初期时间段,与国际惯例仍不能很好地衔接上。本文通过对股票期权的相关会计问题进行了细致的探讨,剖析了现有状况下存在的一些问题,并提出了一些完善的意见,希望能够推动我国股票期权制度平稳发展。30209
Title         Research On Stock Option System Accounting                   
The stock option system is an effective treatment when signing a contract "entrust - agent" of the problems existing in the model of system, is the consistent rewards and risks of a kind of incentive mechanism, it originated in America in the 1950 s. And has been widely used in many countries and has made great success. To introduce stock option in our country is in the 1990 s, the development of stock option in our country is in the primary stage. Due to the introduction of time is not long, linked to international practice is still not well. This article through to stock option accounting problems related to has carried on the detailed discussion, analyzes some problems of the existing conditions, and puts forward some perfect Suggestions, hoping to promote the smooth development of stock option system in China.
Keywords:Stock options; Confirmation; Measurement; Information disclosure; The fair value
1 引言    1
1.1研究背景    1
1.2研究的目的和意义    1
1.3基本内容框架与研究方法    1
2 文献综述    3
2.1国外文献综述    3
2.2国内文献综述    4
3 股票期权会计相关理论    6
3.1股票期权的概念和类型    6
3.2股票期权制度理论基础    6
3.2.1人力资本理论    6
3.2.2委托—代理理论    7
3.2.3激励理论    7
3.3股票期权会计确认与计量    8
3.3.1股票期权会计确认问题研究    8
3.3.2股票期权会计计量问题研究    9
4 股票期权会计的发展现状和面临的问题    10
4.1我国股票期权发展状况    10
4.2股票期权会计信息失真    10
4.3股票期权会计信息披露的不足    10
4.4与股票期权会计有关的税务征收问题    11
5 健全我国股票期权会计的对策构想    12
5.1改进实施股票期权制度的环境    12
5.2健全股票期权会计处理建议    12
5.3明确股票期权会计披露的原则    12
5.4健全相关的税收政策    13
6 新会计准则下万科股票期权的会计处理案例阐释    14
6.1万科股票期权激励计划概览    14
6.2万科股票期权执行情况    14
6.3万科股票期权方案会计处理    15
6.4万科股票期权激励影响分析    16
结束语    18
致谢    19
参考文献    20 股票期权会计问题研究+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/kuaiji/lunwen_25812.html