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时间:2022-01-13 22:43来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  文件取证  分词技术  语义分析  TF-IDF算法  向量空间模型


Title      Research and implementation of file forensics under the environment of big data           

Abstract In order to detect the similar files to get electronic evidence quickly and accurately in huge amounts of data, In this paper, the traditional TF-IDF algorithm was improved combined with the semantic and location information。 Firstly, word segmentation technology is used to segment the texts。 At the same time removing  stop words and dealing with synonyms。 Then counting word frequency and obtaining the word semantics。 When calculating the weight of keywords, we add a named entity factor, proper nouns factor and location factor 。 Then computing IDF values of texts, combined with the previous weight to calculate the overall improvement of the TF-IDF weight and then to get the text term vectors。 Finally using vector space model to compare similarity of various texts, at the same time, we add the cosine distance to improve cosine function。 The proposed approach is based on word frequency statistics method, comparing the similarity with the traditional fingerprint and traditional TF-IDF algorithm through Fudan university corpus using accuracy, recall rate and  macro average as evaluation index。 Experiments show that the improved TF-IDF algorithm achieve an increase of the speed and accuracy。 

Keywords  file forensics  word segmentation technology  semantic analysis   

      TF - IDF algorithm  vector space model

目   录

1  绪论 1

1。1  本课题的研究意义 1

1。2  国内外研究现状 1

1。3  本文的主要工作 3

1。4  本文的组织结构 4

2  相关理论基础 5

2。1  文本描述模型简介 5

2。2  文本分词技术概述 6

2。3  文本特征权重计算 7

2。4  文本相似度计算技术 7

3  改进的TF-IDF算法 10

3。1  传统的TF-IDF算法 10

3。2  传统的TF-IDF算法在文件相似度比较上的不足 11

3。3  TF-IDF算法与词项语义和位置相结合 11

4  文件取证系统设计与实现 13

4。1  系统设计 TF-IDF算法大数据环境下的文件取证技术研究与实现:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_88376.html
