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时间:2021-12-25 11:29来源:毕业论文

摘要: 为解决国家经济高速发展带来的国民对于生活质量和保障水准的要求的不断提升与国内医疗保障行业难以满足之间的矛盾,本课题着手研究如何高效、便捷、低成本且可持续的提升护士的专业水准,提出了基于护理教育模式的在线授课系统的解决方案。经过对国内现有的医疗护理行业的现状调研,对比与国外发达国家医疗护理行业的发展历程来看,基于互联网的医疗教育模式符合我国现阶段的状况。护士可以通过本系统学习护理方面专业课程,与同行进行沟通交流,随时随地的进行持续性再教育,提升自身的职业技能水平,以满足国民对于医疗保障行业的高要求。76120

毕业论文关键词: 护理教育;护士;授课系统;课程;持续性再教育

The Development of Online Teaching System Based on Nursing Education Model

Abstract: In order to solve the contradiction between the continuous improvement of the quality of life and the protection of the national standard brought by the rapid development of the national economy and the difficulty of satisfying the domestic medical insurance industry, this topic will study how efficient, convenient, low cost and sustainable promotion of nurses Of the professional standards, based on the nursing education model of online teaching system solutions。 After the current situation of the existing medical care industry research, compared with the developed countries of the developed medical care industry development process, the Internet-based medical education model in line with China's current situation。 Through the system  nurses can learn nursing professional courses, with colleagues to communicate, anytime, anywhere to continue re-education, to enhance their professional skills to meet the national health insurance industry for high demand。

Keywords: Nursing education; Nurse; Teaching system; Course; Continuous re-education


摘要 i

Abstract i

目录 ii

1 绪论 1

1。1 选题背景 1

1。2 系统概况 1

1。3 开发工具介绍 2

1。3。1 Maven简介 2

1。3。2 AngularJS 简介 2

1。3。3 MySql 简介 2

2 需求分析 3

2。1 项目概述 3

2。2 基于B/S结构设计方案 3

2。3 系统可行性分析 4

2。3。1 方案可行性 4

2。3。2 技术可行性 4

2。3。3 经济可行性 5

2。4 用户需求调研 5

3 java+mysql护理教育模式的在线授课系统的开发:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_87237.html
