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时间:2019-07-06 13:10来源:毕业论文
以HTML、ASP.NET技术为依托,使用SQL SERVER作为系统数据库,IIS作为应用服务器,利用C#作为脚本语言,采用Flash、CSS样式美化页面。实现了在线交流、资源的上传和下载等功能

摘要:在信息高度发达的网络时代,招聘平台企业子系统在企业招聘工作中,起到了举足轻重的作用。它增强企业和求职者之间的互动性,加强企业和求职者的沟通交流,给企业提供一个就业与招聘信息、共享资源的平台。本子系统以HTML、ASP.NET技术为依托,使用SQL SERVER作为系统数据库,IIS作为应用服务器,利用C#作为脚本语言,采用Flash、CSS样式美化页面。实现了在线交流、资源的上传和下载等功能。论文首先介绍了招聘平台企业子系统的现状和意义;然后对网站进行了可行性分析和需求分析,并介绍了招聘平台企业子系统所实现的功能;在对网站进行详细分析后,依次对各模块的具体设计作了一个简单的阐述;通过测试分析,该系统运行稳定可靠;最后对系统进行了总结和展望。36836
毕业论文关键词:    招聘平台;企业子系统;信息管理系统
The design and implementation of recruitment platform--Enterprise Users Subsystem
Abstract: In the era of highly developed information network, enterprise subsystem of recruitment platform has played an important role in the enterprise recruitment. It enhances the interactivity between the enterprises and the candidates and strengthens the communications between the enterprises and the candidates. It also provides a resources platform sharing employment and recruitment information for enterprise. This subsystem is rendered by HTML and ASP.NET, using SQL SERVER as the database system, IIS as the application server, C# as a scripting language, using Flash and CSS to decorate the pages. It has supported the functions of online communicating, resources uploading and download, etc. The paper firstly introduces the status and meaning of the enterprise subsystem of recruitment platform, then analyzes the feasibility and the demand of the websites and introduced the functions that the enterprise subsystem of recruitment platform has realized. After detailed analyzing the websites, the paper made a simple introduction to the design of each module. Through testing and analyzing, this system can operate stably and reliably. Finally, the paper summarized and prospected on this system.
Key Words:    recruitment platform; enterprise subsystem; information management system
摘要    i
Abstract    i
目录    ii
1    绪论    1
1.1    本课题的目的和意义    1
1.1.1    课题的目的和意义    1
1.1.2    国内外研究现状与水平    1
1.2    调研情况    2
1.2.1    Internet集成    2
1.2.2    可伸缩性和可用性    2
1.2.3    企业级数据库功能    2
1.2.4    易于安装、部署和使用    3
2    分析    4
2.1    可行性分析与需求分析    4
2.1.1    经济可行性    4
2.1.2    技术可行性    4
2.1.3    运行可行性    4
2.2    需求分析    5
2.2.1    用户初步需求    5
2.2.2    需求细化    6
2.2.3    需求模块化    6
2.2.4    数据流图    8
2.3    数据库设计    10
2.3.1    实体联系图(E-R)    10
2.3.2    关系模式    13
2.3.3    数据表结构    13 ASP.net+sqlserver招聘平台企业用户子系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_35427.html