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时间:2018-11-27 21:27来源:毕业论文

摘要:随着互联网技术和金融服务行业逐渐发展完善,传统的银行金融业务已经不能满足人们的需求,由此方便快捷低成本的网上银行应运而生。本文分析了银行系统研究意义和研究现状,介绍了系统的开发模式及关键技术,阐述了系统的需求分析、概要设计、具体实现等过程。并在需求分析的基础上采用动态网页生成技术JSP,结合数据库管理系统Microsoft SQL Server和Tomcat服务器实现了基于Browser/Server模式的具有登录、存款、取款、转账、理财、挂失、缴费、留言等功能模块的网上银行。最后通过相关测试,对系统作出评价并总结难点与不足。30685
Design and Realization of Online Banking System Base on J2EE Platform
Abstract: With the Internet technology and financial services industry gradually developed, the traditional banking and financial business has been unable to meet people's needs, thus convenient and efficient low-cost online banking came into being. This paper analyzes the research significance and research status of the banking system, introduces the development mode and key technology of the system, and expounds the process of demand analysis, outline design and concrete realization. System based on the demand analysis based on the use of dynamic web page generation technology JSP, combined with the database management system Microsoft SQL Server and Tomcat server and the Browser / Server model Completing the function of login, deposit, withdrawals, transfer, financial management, loss, payment, message .Finally, through the relevant tests, the system to evaluate and summarize the difficulties and shortcomings.
Key words: Bank;J2EE;website;Model2 Framework
目  录
摘要    1
关键词    1
Abstract.    1
Key words    1
1  绪论    1
1.1  引言    1
1.2  课题研究意义    2
1.3  课题国内外研究现状    2
2  系统开发技术    2
2.1  系统的开发设计    2
2.2  系统关键技术    3
2.2.1  JSP技术    3
2.2.2  Servlet技术    3
2.2.3  JavaBean技术    3
2.2.4  SQL Server 2012技术    4
2.2.5  JDBC技术    4
2.2.6  CSS样式    4
2.2.7  JavaScript技术    4
3  系统需求分析与概要设计    4
3.1  系统需求分析    4
3.1.1  系统功能模块    4
3.1.2  用户权限定义    8
3.2 系统概要设计    8
3.2.1  系统完整E-R图    9
3.2.2  数据表关系图    9
3.2.3  数据表设计    10
4 系统实现    12
4.1  系统开发环境及操作平台    12
4.2  详细设计与实现    12
4.2.1  用户界面层    12
4.2.2  控制层    13
4.2.3  业务逻辑层    13
4.3  业务流程设计    13
4.3.1  系统操作流程    13
4.3.2  账户注册流程    14
4.3.3  账户修改密码流程    15
4.3.4  账户留言流程    16
4.3.5  账户存款流程    16
4.3.6  账户取款流程    17
4.3.7  账户转账流程    19
4.3.8  账户挂失流程    20 基于J2EE的网上银行系统的设计+源代码:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_26541.html