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时间:2023-01-18 21:24来源:毕业论文
jsp+mysql个人博客系统的设计。当下比较流行的Spring MVC框架,数据库部分采用了MySQL。前端采用了JSP动态页面,可以更好地和后台进行交互



系统采用了当下比较流行的Spring MVC框架,数据库部分采用了MySQL。前端采用了JSP动态页面,可以更好地和后台进行交互,并且结合了BootStrap、EasyUI、ECharts等前台插件,为用户体验提供了更好的保障。为了减少整个系统对数据库的长连接给数据库造成不必要的压力,在后台创建了一个缓存池去保存一些常用到的值,减少与数据库的交互,提高了系统的性能。

毕业论文关键词:个人博客;Spring MVC;EasyUI;ECharts

Abstract Blog is changing the communication and expression ways among people and their emotional experiences。 In addition to the general public, more professionals, industrial and commercial elites also have blogs and it infinitely amplifies their expectations of the future information world。

There are too many blog systems like CSDN, Sina Blog。 Their contents are related to all walks of lives and their information is too large, so that they are lack of professionalism。 Our system is designed for students who want to share learning knowledge。 It means that the system can serve the students better。

The system uses the current popular Spring MVC framework and makes use of MySQL as the database。 The frontend uses JSP dynamic web pages which can better interact with the backend。 The frontend also combines plugins such as BootStrap, EasyUI, and Echarts, which provides better user experience。 In order to reduce the long connection of the entire system to the database, causing unnecessary stress to the database, a buffer pool is created in the backend to save some commonly used value, which reduces interaction with database and improves the performance of the system。

Keywords: Personal Blog; Spring MVC; EasyUI; ECharts

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

1。1 系统开发的背景和意义 1

1。2 国内外现状 1

1。3 课题研究的内容 2

第二章 系统需求及可行性分析 3

2。1 系统的设计目标 3

2。2 功能需求分析 3

2。3 系统可行性分析 4

2。3。1 技术可行性分析 4

2。3。2 可行性分析结果 9

2。4 系统数据流图 9

2。5 章节小结 10

第三章 系统主要架构及开发模式 11

3。1 基于B/S的体系结构 11

3。2 B/S的体系结构的特点 11

3。3 本系统的B/S实现 12

3。4 章节小结 12

第四章 系统设计 13

4。1 系统设计思路 jsp+mysql个人博客系统的设计+ER图:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_125532.html
