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时间:2023-01-15 11:34来源:毕业论文




Abstract With the development of digital society, ID card has become the most effective tools of population management。 It plays an increasingly greater role in people’s daily life。 At present, the registration of ID cards follows into two ways: manual input or reading information from the chips which embedded in the card。 Manual input method is very time-consuming with low efficiency。 Reading information from chips is only available for the second generation cards。 We have to rely on manual input for the first generation card。 OCR technology has developed rapidly in recent years。 As a branch of the OCR, the printing font recognition technology, has become quite mature and has been widely used。 Therefore, if we can use the optical character recognition technology to identify the ID card, it will effectively improve the efficiency of the work。

The main functions of the certificate management system include four parts: image collection, image preprocessing, identification of ID card and management of collected information。 The system is based on B/S architecture and JSP and Servlet technology are used to realize the system。 Specially, Eclipse is used as a development tool for front end; JDBC is used to connect Oracle database; the realization of document recognition depends on MATLAB which holds powerful digital image processing function。 The system integrates image acquisition, document identification and information management。 It can greatly improve the efficiency of document collection and is helpful for customer information management。

Keywords: Certificate Identification; Management System; B/S Architecture; JSP


第一章 绪论 1

1。1研究背景及意义 1

1。2国内外研究现状 1

1。3研究目的及方法 2

1。3。1研究目的 2

1。3。2研究方法 2

1。4论文组织 3

1。5本章小结 3

第二章 相关技术和开发工具 4

2。1系统架构 4

2。2相关技术 5

2。2。1 JSP 5

2。2。2 Servlet 7

2。2。3 JDBC 8

2。3 开发工具 10

2。3。1 Eclipse jsp汉王云的证件信息采集系统设计:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_123964.html
