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时间:2021-11-20 17:19来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键字:境外消费 消费现状 产业调整 发展方向

A Study on the Current Situation and Impact of Overseas Consumption of Domestic Residents

Abstract:Over the past decade, with the strengthening of China's comprehensive national strength, China's outbound tourism is a rapid growth trend, outbound tourism, especially due to private tourism rapid growth。 China has become Asia's largest expatriate source country and the world's third largest exporter。 This paper mainly studies the consumption trend of domestic residents abroad, investigates the current situation and reasons of overseas consumption in China, and forecasts the trend of overseas consumption, so as to provide some reference for promoting the adjustment of domestic industry and the improvement of import and export policy。

Key words: overseas consumptionconsumption statusindustrial adjustmentdevelopment direction

目 录

前 言 1

绪论 2

1。课题研究背景 2

2。课题研究目的 2

3。课题研究意义 2

一、国内居民境外消费现状分析 4

(一)国内居民境外消费热潮 4

1。境外旅游消费热潮 4

2。海外代购热潮 5

(二)对国内消费及市场的影响分析 5

二、境外消费热潮现象原因分析 7

(一)主观原因 7

1。国内居民购买力迅速提升 7

2。国内居民崇洋心理与非理性攀比 8

(三)客观原因 9

1。国内外产品价格差异巨大 9

2。国内相关产品供给不足 9

3。国内产品质量危机频发 10

4。国内电子商务假货横行 12

5。国内产品创新不足与技术含量不高 13

四、促进消费回流的对策建议 14

(一)加强监管,倒逼我国制造业提高品质 14

(二)加强消费理念教育,引导居民理性消费 14

(三)重塑国内产品品牌形象,建立商品品牌体系 15

(四)优化国内消费环境,构建良好正规化电子商务平台 15

(五)借鉴国外做法,增加国内免税店品质及数量 15

(六)抓住机遇,支持我国企业走出去 16

结 论 17

致谢 18

参考文献 国内居民境外消费现状及影响探究:http://www.youerw.com/jingji/lunwen_85253.html
